exitxemergency &
shim_shimPeople's Choice:
sianna_smRunner Up:
setentpet Eliminated:
exitxemergencyw/ -11 votes
shimshimw/ -05 votes
(thank you for entering & we hope you stick round to vote! )
remember there will be a chance for you to get back in the running
with the Mid Round Pick Up (when we hit under 10 participants)
People's Choice:
Runner Up:
sianna_smw/ +10 votes
setentpetw/ +05 votes
sianna_sm you have immunity for the next round. You must still submit an icon but can not be voted out that round! )
01: (-05) + (+06) = +01
02: (-05) + (+00) = -05
03: (-11) + (+00) = -11
04: (-02) + (+03) = +01
05: (-05) + (+05) = -00
06: (-00) + (+04) = +04
07: (-06) + (+02) = -04
08: (-02) + (+02) = -00
09: (-00) + (+02) = +02
10: (-00) + (+08) = +08
11: (-00) + (+05) = +05
eliminated • favorite
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