~What ^ guys!!!!!~

Apr 05, 2004 18:26

Hey guys...Kendall here...obviously! lol! 2day mos def went by slow...I had so0o0o0 many tests to make ^...it's KARAZY! All b/c I jus had to go on that Gay Dali trip...w/e it was still fun. 2 maro i have to make ^ a test 4 Anand and an IPA test 4 Sparks...FUN FUN FUN! 2day me,Poca,and Tesia wore our custom made "Pretty in Palm Beach" shirts! They were kute n'all...but-uh...i didnt relle feel like wearin it...i h8 wearin shirts that say anything to describe ur self...i dunno they jus bother me...like I saw sum chick wearin this shirt 2day it was like "Im hot and you're not"...yea...def wasnt feelin that shirt...Plus y wud u wear a shirt that says "Pretty" when ur not...cuz-uh...I mos def didnt feel like I was "Pretty in Palm Beach" 2day...I felt and looked like shit...I was wearin my sweat-shirt over it all day...But I took it off to make Poca and Tesia happy...yea so...n e ways...I got in 2 yet another "Pen War" wid Marc in Spanish dos 2...and lost! once again! My left arm and leg was covered with pen, marker, pencil,and high-lighter! I looked like i got raped with a pen! lol! Yea i no i suk...but im so0o0o getting him bak in World History 2 maro! and Im comin prepared 2...Im bringin PERMANET MARKER BABY! YEA! lol! Switchfoot played on TRL 2day and they were PRETTY DAMN GEWD! Im so0o0o gonna see dem @ Sunfest! They're playin on the 29th and I have to come bak the next day n e wayz cuz my mom's work Wachovia, is sponsoring er sumethin and they put on a fire works show every year. But it sux cuz no 1 that great is playin...but we get free grub so thats always gewd! lol! It dosent take a lot to make me happy! lol! Yea well...that about sums it ^! iight kids,l8r <3-Ken
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