Dec 21, 2005 16:18
christmas is the most draining time of the year.
im ear deep in knitting... for everyone. since im uber broke, im making most of my christmas gifts, to be supplimented with fabulous items bought at drastically reduced prices. i AM the all time bargain shopper. david has to deal with me being such a bargain shopper though, meaning that he spent 2 1/2 hours in tj max with me (i love tj max) & another hour in stienmart. hey, when i can get a bottle of yves st. laurent opium parfum for 19.99, thats a fucking DEAL.
im getting my hair colored tonight. im going back to being drab... because i have about 2 inches of roots showing & a horrible haircut. so, i have to deal with hanging out with my mom tonight. im so fucking tired. i went to bed at 900 last night & then forgot to set the alarm clock & woke up late. i just want to go home & go to bed. i swear, what the fuck is the deal with the holidays making me feel like a zombie. its night of the fucking living dead or some shit over here.
i have 2 fever blisters & they are killing me. hell i look like a fucking zombie with my face rotting off & shit.
i also think im getting C.T. from all the knitting. its like, knitters wrist instead of tennis elbow or typers fingers. im completely dying.
ive also been sick. go figure. me? sick? oh yeah, im sick alllll the time. if someone gets some kind of sickness within like 1 mile of me, i'll get it. miss low immunity over here.
im stressed out & depressed & tired & life has been shit lately. shit shit shit shit shit. i need 585 bucks. for something. i hate having bills.
i also have a re-flare of cervical cancer, but im ok with it because the surgery last time wasnt toooooo bad... & it means i get good drugs... but the doctor didnt say that i would need surgery... yet. yet. i think they should just give me a hystorectomy & get it over with. put me on estrogen for the rest of my life. i have good health insurance & my parents will pay for the rest, so just yank that shit out.
oh yeah, whoever said "whatever doesnt kill you only makes you stronger" should have been given a non fatal shot to the frontal lobe so that they could then reflect on that statement. except, the damage caused by the bullet might have rendered them unable to make such a comparison.
where is my happy ending guys?
ah, i know, its in that little cardboard box my creamated remains will be placed in. (i want to be cremated, the thought of rotting in the ground makes me ill).