week 1 / challenge 3 : Intuition

Jul 27, 2013 02:36

Day of Challenge: week 1 / day 3&4
Title: Intuition
Pairing: bff!Chanyeol/Chen
Rating: G
Genre: General/Friendship
Length: 1525 words

[10. use a prompt from exo prompt generator to base your fic on:
Chanyeol/Chen, sleep walking and/or other side of the world, general]

Chanyeol whistled happily. He was walking over a beautifully lit meadow, his curly hair shimmering in the bright rays of light. Closing his eyes and lifting his head toward the sky he casually pirouetted in between his energetic steps and then continued his cheerful stroll.


The young idol turned to the side looking at the director expectantly. The latter nodded approvingly as he rewatched what had been just recorded.

“I think you’re done for now. With a little bit of editing this will have a great effect! Next will be Luhan and Jongin. Come on, boys, we haven’t got all day!”

Chanyeol bowed quickly and curiously watched his fellow group members position themselves in front of the cameras for a moment. Actually, they did have the whole day to wrap up the CF shooting. Admittedly, they had to film a total of eight individual and couple shots plus one scene including all twelve members. The tall boy wasn’t sure why they needed so much material for promoting a single brand anyway but he didn’t question it any further. Instead he let their manager usher him to one of the stylists to freshen up his makeup and restyle his hair to perfection for the additional photo shoot.

Chanyeol was soon reminded that a whole day of blinding spotlights, demanding photographers and scolding stylists was anything else but a walk in the park. He was just as exhausted as everyone else when they returned to the dorm at 11:30PM; most of the boys immediately started to get ready for bed.

“The M-members can wash up first!” Suho announced in a loud voice so that everyone would hear him over their own babble. The Chinese team looked relieved and didn’t waste any more time standing around. Half of them went to their rooms to gather pajamas and towels while Kris, Luhan and Tao had already occupied the bathroom.

“Wait! But that’s not-“

“They’ll be leaving for the airport very early in the morning, Sehun. I think it is fair to let them rest before us. Now don’t tell me you forgot that they go to Beijing tomorrow,” the eldest in the room said with raised eyebrows. Chanyeol’s stomach dropped. He noticed Sehun guiltily biting his lip. Looking at the other members of EXO-K he fathomed that all of them (except their omniscient leader) had blocked out the upcoming departure of the six boys due to their busy schedule.

“It’s just a few weeks, guys,” the leader tried to assuage them as he saw the depressed expressions on everyone’s faces.

“Can we get up early to say goodbye?” Chanyeol asked. Suho hesitated.

“I’d rather you all get as much sleep as possible, we have a schedule tomorrow, “ he sighed heavily, “but I probably can’t stop you guys anyway and I’ll be getting up with them too, so I guess it’s kind of pointless to tell you not to do it.”

A few members uttered some words of gratitude or relief as they as well went to their respective rooms or, in two cases, to the kitchen to satisfy their thirst.

Chanyeol was the last one to finally get to enjoy the coziness of his bed. He had wasted a lot of time brushing his teeth as his thoughts had drifted off while the lazy motion of his hand had become a self-acting exercise.

Will Xiumin and Chen manage to get by? Of course, they’ve been to China before and the Chinese members are there to help them out. Their manager, too. Is manager hyung’s Chinese good? Of course, it has to be. SM wouldn’t have put the responsibility for a group promoting in China on some random guy who isn’t even fluent in Mandarin. It’s kind of unfair to send Chen and Xiumin off to China with such a limited vocabulary. But it’s also a good chance and they never complain. They are so strong. Chen always smiles during the interviews even if he doesn’t understand everything. I hope he talks to the hyungs when he’s troubled. Or maybe he talks to Xiumin? But Xiumin also sticks to Luhan-hyung a lot. Maybe he talks to Tao, Tao’s nice. What am I thinking, they’re all nice. I hope they can see their families. They’ll get to eat so much delicious food. Oh, I want to go to Beijing, too.

Once he had found a comfortable position to sleep in Chanyeol exhaled wearily. Concentrating on breathing in a steady rhythm stopped him from overthinking and soon enough he drifted off into dreamland.


It didn’t feel right. Vague noises replacing words, strange faces he should recognize, dark rooms that felt like home but didn’t look familiar. He fell but never hit the ground.

Chanyeol’s eyelids fluttered open. He stared at the wall in front of him, feeling utterly disoriented. He rolled over to his left sight in order to be able to see more of his bedroom than just the plain wallpaper and received a small shock when he noticed the body right next to his. He blinked a few times and squinted his eyes. Chen? Right, his bed stood in a completely different spot then Chanyeol’s own one, that’s why the wall was in the wrong place.

Knowing where he was the young man immediately felt at ease. He considered returning to his own room for a second but the risk of waking his friend in the process of getting out of his bed struck him as too big a risk. Chen won’t mind, he thought sleepily and let the fatigue get the better of him once again.


“Chanyeol?” Chen muttered drowsily. “What are you doing in my bed?”

“I don’t know,” the taller boy mumbled truthfully, not even bothering to open his eyes. Both of them were silent for a long while before the younger one started talking all at once.

“Minseok should learn a lot of new words. And Jongdae needs to smile like last time.” He uncoordinatedly put an arm around Chen’s waist and snuggled up to him. “Call a lot,” he murmured. Chen barely understood him. He wondered if Chanyeol was awake or if he had just witnessed his dongsaeng talking in his sleep, but he was too keen on getting some more rest to give more thought to the matter. Feeling unusually secure and comfy Chen fell back into a deep slumber only a few seconds after he had closed his eyes.


The next morning was anything else but well-organized. Still, there seemed to be some sort of structure in the chaos. The six boys who would be leaving got up first to brush their teeth, get dressed and make sure to look somewhat presentable to the public while the other half of the group stayed in bed for a little while longer or, in Suho’s and Kyungsoo’s case, helped to ensure that all essential items had found their way into the numerous pieces of luggage. The bustling activity in the dorm soon made it impossible for the remaining four members to stay in their beds and thus they got up and helped where they could or at least tried not to stand in anyone’s way until they got to bid their friends farewell.

The moment of the Chinese team’s departure approached rapidly. Many hugs were shared and words of advice spoken but much to everyone’s relief all of the boys were either too sleepy or too wired to shed any tears.

Chen and Xiumin were the last people Chanyeol had to see off and he did so with a heavy heart.

“Promise me not to worry too much about language barriers or anything. Just smile and learn a lot and enjoy the Chinese food!”

Chen chuckled. The food part was new.

“It’s not our first time going there, Chanyeol, we’ll manage,” Xiumin assured him. The tallest of them nodded fervently and captured his two friends in a bone-crushing embrace.

“I’ll miss you guys! Call us and send texts whenever you have time!”

Xiumin and Chen nodded in unison and the latter eyed Chanyeol with a grin. He would most probably miss the way he showed his affection so wholeheartedly but that would also make coming back worth looking forward to.

“Come on, let us leave now, otherwise you guys won’t have much time left to sleep,” Xiumin said patting the taller boy’s back.

“Yeah, and we might miss our flight but that’s only half as important,” Kris added from across the room. He and Lay were already halfway out the door.

Chanyeol tightened his grip on his hyungs once more before eventually letting go of them.

“See you in a few weeks!”

“Bye! Don’t forget to miss us!”


“Text us when you’ve arrived!”

“We will! Goodbye, everyone!”

With the last members of EXO-M leaving the dorm and closing the door behind them the room fell silent almost instantly.

“You better hurry up, guys, if you make it to your beds in less than a minute you can have another full hour of sleep!” Suho announced after checking his watch and none of the members needed to be told twice.

length: one-shot, !fanfic, week 1, pairing: chanyeol/chen, rating: g, challenge 3, genre: general/friendship, author: ifancycrush

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