May 12, 2005 21:19
+ Full name:Ahzahdeh Suzan Neshat
+ Gender: female
+ Age: 15
+ Location: jonesboro
+ Birthday: July 26
+ School: JHS
+ Ethnicity: White
+ Religion: christian
+ Height: 5'7"???
+ Shoe size: 8 1/2
+ Hair color: brown
+ Eye color: brown
+ Style: umm.. if i had money..itd be boho. so yea.
+ Fears: being lonely..rejected.. not loved
[PART 2]
+ Peed your pants? yes
+ Fallen off the bed? Yes
+ Fallen for a relative? no..considering i have like no guy relatives
+ Had plastic surgery? no
+ Broke someone's heart? dont think so..have i?
+ Had your heart broken? yes
+ Had a dream come true? yes
+ Done something you regret? Yes
+ Cheated on a test? hehe..yea
+ Broken a body part? yea
[PART 3]
+ Wearing? my jammies!!
+ Listening to? weezer
+ Eating? milk?
+ Feeling? relaxed at life
+ Reading? arkansas driving test thingy
+ Located? right outside my room on my computer
+ Chatting with? jessy
+ Watching? the news i guess
+ Craving? sesame chicken...and... something i just dont know what yet
+ Should REALLY be doing? cleaning my room. and getting ready for bed
[PART 4]
+ Brush your teeth? yea
+ Like anybody? oh... yea..
+ Have any piercings? yea
+ Drive? with my mom in the car haha
+ Smoke? No
+ Drink? yes
+ Got a cellphone? yup
+ Got a pager? no
[PART 5]
+ Who is/are your best? heather austin and char
+ Who is the loudest? char
+ Who is the shyest? me?
+ Who is the most talkative? madison
+ Who is the 'hottest'? everyone!!
+ Who is the cutest? everyone!!
+ Who laughs the most? jessica
+ Who have you known the longest? cady and heather
+ Who have you known the shortest? austin
+ Who do you miss the most? cady
+ Do you only hang out with a certain type? no...
+ Do you belong to a crew?
+ Do you hang out with the opposite sex? yes
+ Do you consider yourself popular? not really..
+ Do you trust your friends? sometimes
+ Are you a good Friend? i try my best
+ Can you keep a secret? of course
[PART 6]
+ Hugged? jessy
+ IMd? jessy
+ Talked to on the phone? mom
+ Checked out? hehe..wouldnt you like to know?
+ Tripped? uh..michael trustee in math. but i didnt mean to.
[PART 7]
+ What do you want to be when you grow up? actress..and if that doesnt work..psychologist haha
+ The worst day of your life? december 4
+ What is your most embarrassing story? i have lots..
+ What has been the best day of your life? easter 2005
+ What comes first in your life? god
+ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? i have a crush..more than a crush but still..
+ If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? with my friends. to watch how they see me.
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed? that i didnt do much of what i was supposed to that day
+ Have you fallen deeply in love? yes
+ Love your family? yes
+ Love your friends? yes
+ Have you fought? verbally...
+ What are you addicted to? love... just like my shirt says!
+ Want to move? yea..but i wna take some ppl w/ me
[PART 8]
+ Song: hold me- weezer, and see you soon-coldplay
+ Store: umm some store in montreal that me and cady went to like 4 times..
+ Sport: to
+ Ice Cream Flavor: chocolate
+ Fruit: canteloupe
+ Candy: twizzlers and.. riesens
+ Food: sesame chicken..or pizza..
+ Car: 750z
+ Class: art
+ Holiday: Christmas
+ Day of the Week: saturday
+ Color: pink
+ Magazine: umm vogue?
+ Name for a Girl: yasmine.. or i dno..something differnt..
+ Name for a Boy: seth..austin.. and.. wow i forgot what i was bout to say..
+ Favorite spot for an anniversary: someplace romantic.. where it can be just us two..
+ Favorite resturant: lazarris for here..elsewhere.. this one spot in l.a. where i used to go to all the time
+ Quote: dont let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game
[PART 9]
+ Like to give hugs? Yup. to a certain person its a ritual thing
+ Like to give kisses? yup. but usually im forced to. well..was forced to.
+ Walk in the rain? yes!
+ Prefer black or blue pens? Black.
+ Dress up on Halloween? w/ my friends
+ Have a job? Nope
+ Like to travel? yes
+ Like someone? yup..........
+ Sleep on your side, tummy or back? side
+ Think you're attractive? not really. havent really beent told i am by a guy.
+ Want to marry? yup
+ Have a goldfish? not a goldfish. but a beta fish. and its name is bubbles.
+ Ever have the falling dream? dont think so..
+ Have stuffed animals? yupyup
+ Go on vacation? yes
[PART 10]
+ Bill Clinton: dont know. didnt really care about him till that sex thing. but i didnt care that he did it.
+ Smoking: dont do it. cuz im allergic to smoke haha
+ Suicide: some people just dont know another way out. and no, im not suicidal (inside thing..)
+ Summer: love it. its a time for my friends.. and thats it. and maybe a summer loving..who knows??
+ Tattoos: i want two. one that says cady jordan..and another that says ahzahdeh..or ahzi
+ Piercings: i have one in each ear, but i want more
+ Make-up: it helps me. other ppl dont need it tho..
[PART 11]
+ Pierced nose or tongue? tongue
+ Single or taken? single. just like the rest of my 15 years..
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? neither. OC
+ Sugar or salt? Sugar.
+ Silver or gold? silver
+ Chocolate or flowers? chocolate
+ Color or Black-and-white photos? black and white
+ M&M's or Skittles? m&ms..but minis..not regular sized
+ Stay up late or sleep in? both
+ Hot or cold? in between
+ Sun or moon? moon
+ Left or Right? Right.
+ 10 Acquaintances or one best friend? best friend
+ Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup
+ Spring or Fall? Spring
+ Give or receive? both!!!
+ Happy or sad? happy
+ Wonder or amazement? wonder
+ McDonald's or Burger King? umm mcds..
+ Mexican or Italian food? italian
+ Lights on or off? off
+ Candy or soda? candy
+ Pepsi or Coke? coke