Jun 18, 2005 12:00
Wow, so it's summmer!!!! =] It sure doesn't feel like it though. The sun has yet to come out and lets just say it hasn't been too hot. But oh well, were out of school!!!!! =]=]=]=] lol On Tuesday after basketball, Me Jame Irma and Minel met Martyni Kel Sang Danny Cody Jako and Amil at the beach we played volleyball for a little while. It started to rain, so Martyna took me dancing in it, lol she knows it's my dream <3 lol (Love/Thank You)Then Martyni Irm and myself went and played in the sprinkler things, lmfao great fun<3 Afterwards Me Jame Kel Irma Minela and Martyni all went and played in the sprinklers and just layed out. It was nicee! Afterwards Me Jame Irma and Minela went to Frosty Boy. Got ourselves some Dole whips..... mhmmm <3 lol I dropped them off, Minela came over, I got ready for the night then we went and chilled at Jamie's for a while with Sar. Didn't end up doing much that night, met up with Jan in the mall parking lot 8 ] lmfao Then we went to Coney's later that night. Me and Sar made it home in a record time once again! Yess 8] lol. Wed. hmm had a doctor's appointment in the morning for my physical, then had basketball,=] came home showered napped, that night Me Jame and Sar hung out, went to Corey's and watched a movie. Me and Jame just sat there and laughed the whole night being some beitches! LMFAO<3 Went home that night chilled with Jame for a little while then she left, I eventually went to bed. Thursday, I cleaned all day, then I went to PT's, aka Jamie Geatches 8] lol we made our "twin" Piston shirts, sweet as hell. lol Afterwards I went to Bee's softball game then home to get ready. I then went back to PT's and hung out until Martyna Kel and Ajla showed up. I was kind of in a pissy mood for the begining lmfao, just because I was wasting soo much gas, but then I was fine towards the end of the night. We ended up at Chilis they ate and me and Jame just sat there, it was pretty fun though. Afterwards I went back to Jamie's and we just hung out for a little bit and then I left so I could make curfew. Friday I had an early dentist appointment =] I love the dentist lol<3 Except the lady made my mouth sore because she did a bad job lol. ummmm during the day was basically a lot of preparations for Shae's party. Later Saruh came over, we were driving aimlesly (sp) saw our obssession that makes us petifiles LMFAO<3 and ended up in the mall. We saw TALLLINNN! =] lol Then Danny called and we met him in The Hostess parking lot, lol from there we went to Sar's and just hung out for the ngiht=] After he left me and Saruh decided we wanted to use up the last hour we had usefully so we were going to go to our cruising area by her house, lmfao<3 But then Jan called us just as we were begining our adventure. lol So we met him and Christian at the Penn Station, lmfao I ended up outside blowing bubbles with Christian while, well I don't need to go into details ; ] hahh lmfao After about 15 minutes of chilling in the parking lot, Me and Sar left and I dropped her off then came home. Today is Shae's grad. party, this morning consisted of mucho cleaning and preparing for it, I'm soo excited, so much family is coming in that I have either never met, or haven't seen in foreevvver! =] =] =] =] lol<3 Well I need to go find my outfit for the day, since the one I bought for the ocassion would be just a little too chilly for the STUPID WEATHER!!!!!!!!!! lol