Title: Junction
Chapter : 5 part B
Rating : PG
Genre : Fluff
Pairing : Kyumin (Kyuhyun / Sungmin), RyeoMin (Ryeowook / Sungmin)
Summary : Cho Kyuhyun is at a junction between Lee Sungmin and Zhoumi. But, Sungmin still stuck with his past life.
Junction Chap.5 part B )
I decided to take a break from my looooong weeks of intense work (thanks exams and college projects)
I've read the whole story again from the start this time since it's been a while (but I was remembering good since it's such a great story)
And I've seen that today's your B-day (sorry I'm a bit late but we're still the 6th in France so it works right?) so I wish you all the happiness in the world and a lot of QMiMin (or any other couple U would like) <3
It's time to read so.... Let's goooo (yeah... still too talkative)
I don't know yet what happened to *take a look to know how you tagged this to find the couple name*.... Ryeomin (sounds weird that Wookie's placed first but anyway wth i'm talking about right now seriously?)
So even if RyeoMin is a mystery (AGAIN!!) I tottaly understand the way Min's feeling about cannot forgetting the past... Some memories and stuff sort of stuck U in the past... But the present is Kyu!!!!! It's a big motivation to keep looking forward isn't it?
*will stop speaking no sense.... or at least try*
" Ryeowook pushed him by the wall and kiss him passionately"
Waoooo what happened to the sweet and harmless Wookie that appeared two lines above?
But I actually love that Wookie who tries to take advantage from a lost Minnie!! Such a wonderful manipulating kid.... I love him.
I think this chap is great... even if it confused me a lot!!!
I don't know if all the words I've use even exist but I enjoy reading so thx!!!
And one more thing.... Where is Mimi??? I really miss him!!!
awwww thank you !
yeah it's okay~~~ AWW THANK YOUUU<333
^_^ it's okay. i like talkative people :D
um, yea XD it's ryeomin, and could also be minwook.but i like ryeomin more XD (eventho its the same. hahaha) ._____. yeah, mysteries XD um, dont kill me ? *aegyo aegyo*
..it's my fault right ? *hides* BUT YAY YOU LOVE HIMMM SO IT'S OKAY ? :3
thank youuu. oh i'm sorry for making you confuse. but, it's my job right ? XDDD
mimi ? wait for next chap *smirk smirk*
OHMYGOD I'VE KILLED YOU AGAIN DIDN'T I ? *hides* .___. *i've committed a sin
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