Title: Junction Chapter : 4 Rating : NC-17 Genre : Fluff Pairing : Kyumin (Kyuhyun / Sungmin) Summary : Cho Kyuhyun is at a junction between Lee Sungmin and Zhoumi.
I felt like it has been years since I didn't bother you with my looooong and stupid comments!! You missed me didn't you? xD
Since I have some time tonight *thanks insomnia* I though of your lovely story and came right away to read some more!!
*Looking back to the previous chap to confirm her doubts* Mimi has really left them (to a place I still don't know.... sadistic you!!) Is he playing fool or something?
Oo Minnie got THAT car.... waooo!! I would have been amazed too !!
Oh Lord please tell me my eyes are making fun of me!!! What is "Of course I do. What the use of Zhoumi asks me to stay with you in his house ?" exactly? Mi didn't left the two of them really alone... IN HIS OWN HOUSE!! *becoming too emotional lol* He has too much self-confidence... or maybe is he too faithful towards his dear Psp addict... or...He had put cameras all over the place to observe them!!! *weird idea again* He can be that stupid seriously!!!
*speechless due to KyuMin's first kiss.... in Mimi's house!!!*
WTH is he sorry for? (Kissing a guy in his boyfriend's house maybe?) Kyu didn't exactly disagreed... Poor Minnie...
Kyu is such a child... can't stay alone at home (cute babysitter Min), can't cook by himself, game addict, hate eating alone... I just love him xD
Oh no!!! A new mystery!!! You know how talkative I am and I can totally spend 20lines extrapolating about who this "He" can be...*starts wondering*
Kyu should be really thankful that Min didn't bought him a pink one... who knows with Minnie... but anyway, white is better!!
okay I make it official... you're sadistic... but you're right...it makes me want more everytime... and fortunately there are chapters left so I'm not going to torture my mind too long!!
I love that one.... full of... KyuMin which is totally enough to make it great with your writing touch!!
You missed me didn't you? xD
Since I have some time tonight *thanks insomnia* I though of your lovely story and came right away to read some more!!
*Looking back to the previous chap to confirm her doubts* Mimi has really left them (to a place I still don't know.... sadistic you!!) Is he playing fool or something?
Oo Minnie got THAT car.... waooo!! I would have been amazed too !!
Oh Lord please tell me my eyes are making fun of me!!!
What is "Of course I do. What the use of Zhoumi asks me to stay with you in his house ?" exactly?
Mi didn't left the two of them really alone... IN HIS OWN HOUSE!! *becoming too emotional lol* He has too much self-confidence... or maybe is he too faithful towards his dear Psp addict... or...He had put cameras all over the place to observe them!!! *weird idea again* He can be that stupid seriously!!!
*speechless due to KyuMin's first kiss.... in Mimi's house!!!*
WTH is he sorry for? (Kissing a guy in his boyfriend's house maybe?) Kyu didn't exactly disagreed... Poor Minnie...
Kyu is such a child... can't stay alone at home (cute babysitter Min), can't cook by himself, game addict, hate eating alone... I just love him xD
Oh no!!! A new mystery!!! You know how talkative I am and I can totally spend 20lines extrapolating about who this "He" can be...*starts wondering*
Kyu should be really thankful that Min didn't bought him a pink one... who knows with Minnie... but anyway, white is better!!
okay I make it official... you're sadistic... but you're right...it makes me want more everytime...
and fortunately there are chapters left so I'm not going to torture my mind too long!!
I love that one.... full of... KyuMin which is totally enough to make it great with your writing touch!!
*jumping to the next*
oh yes yes i miss you<33
o-o;; just, take note that he's left.
he-doesn't have THAT car. but at least i've made it like he have one right ? XD
well, they should have kissed aren't they ? *_*
okay i think i really should knock kyu on the head ?
yes kyubear<3
yes mysteryy~~~
..well,white is cleaner
lol sadistic me ? o-o;; but i'm still right :P lol don't torture yourself :3
<33 kyumin
<3 you :]
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