Title: Junction Chapter : 3 Rating : G Genre : romance Pairing : Kyumin (Kyuhyun / Sungmin) , QMi (Kyuhyun / Zhoumi) Summary : Cho Kyuhyun is at a junction between Lee Sungmin and Zhoumi.
awww your friend is cute XD you mean your friend call ryeowook as wookie cookie?? XD my friend who jealous of Min gave Min a nickname as well, SuperMinnie LOL!!!
of course i found it ! XD is all in your journal what, how can i not find it... and i just went to Super Show 2 in Malaysia last 2 night... i have to say... WOW!!!! they looks OMG!! HOT!!!! especially Min XD with his now-muscular-arms XD
kyu again "steal" the fan's cam and take a pic of himself hahahahaha
no i mean, my friend who like ryeowook screams his nickname (wookie) to me which makes me said : "what ? wookie,,,, cookie ?" HAHAHAHA and she slap my head. hahahaha
omg ! this is sooo unfair -.- i wanna go i wanna go ! how come an author can't go ? aish -.- wish i'm working right now, but i'm stuck in that school ! aish -.-
yea, kyu always did that. HAHAHA it's cute actually :3
yea.. i thought you went too since you're living in Malaysia O__O which i just found out because i view your profile that day -__-||| i know i'm late...
LMAO! you're cute, creating nickname for wookie XD
yea!! how come you cannot go?? aishhh... you're working now? and you still stuck at school?? you work and study at the same time?
don't care... update soon !!! i'm leaving for NS/PLKN next monday T____T
after monthsss didn't read fanfic... ermm, actually i do, but i read it on the paper XD i print it out and bring to there XD
i was crazy looking for junction fic but couldn't find and i didn't know that i actually added you to my friend list -__-|| stupid me... and i went to check the March archive of "Miracle" community one by one... -__-||| (because i forgot this fic's name as well as the author's name T__T) and i found it! XD
so... sushow3 is coming again... are you going for this time?? i'm still thinking should i go... because i'm kinda...broke?? XD
i just suggest it should be wookie...
and it really is??? XD
yayyyyyyy~~~!!! i would love to read the cutest pairing in the entire world XD
LOL at kyu XD
wookie cookie XD
so funny XD
why why why is sungmin acting so wild??
go home with sungmin?? aeeee~~~
update update update XD
i just think it'll be cute; minnie and wookie :D
the cutest pairing in the world ? agreeeee~~~
yea, i know ! actually tht's the 1st thing came out in my mind when my friend who adore Ryeowook said his nickname. HAHAHAHA
sorry, i'm kinda confuse now T.T
bytheway~~ Chapter 4 is already updated,
have you find it ?
you mean your friend call ryeowook as wookie cookie?? XD
my friend who jealous of Min gave Min a nickname as well, SuperMinnie LOL!!!
of course i found it ! XD
is all in your journal what,
how can i not find it...
and i just went to Super Show 2 in Malaysia last 2 night...
i have to say...
they looks OMG!! HOT!!!!
especially Min XD
with his now-muscular-arms XD
kyu again "steal" the fan's cam and take a pic of himself hahahahaha
no i mean,
my friend who like ryeowook screams his nickname (wookie) to me
which makes me said : "what ? wookie,,,, cookie ?"
HAHAHAHA and she slap my head. hahahaha
omg ! this is sooo unfair -.-
i wanna go i wanna go !
how come an author can't go ?
aish -.-
wish i'm working right now, but i'm stuck in that school !
aish -.-
yea, kyu always did that. HAHAHA
it's cute actually :3
hee hee
i thought you went too since you're living in Malaysia O__O
which i just found out because i view your profile that day -__-|||
i know i'm late...
LMAO! you're cute, creating nickname for wookie XD
yea!! how come you cannot go??
you're working now? and you still stuck at school?? you work and study at the same time?
don't care...
update soon !!!
i'm leaving for NS/PLKN next monday T____T
hehe that's okay.
heee :D
no i mean, i'm in school.
just wishing i'm working now -.-
oh ! you have to go to plkn ?
tht's hard -.-
come back soon ? :D
after monthsss didn't read fanfic...
ermm, actually i do, but i read it on the paper XD i print it out and bring to there XD
i was crazy looking for junction fic but couldn't find and i didn't know that i actually added you to my friend list -__-||
stupid me...
and i went to check the March archive of "Miracle" community one by one...
-__-||| (because i forgot this fic's name as well as the author's name T__T)
and i found it! XD
sushow3 is coming again...
are you going for this time??
i'm still thinking should i go...
because i'm kinda...broke?? XD
kekeke me and my friend gonna buy the 500 one. um, really hope we could collect money on time ==
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