Jul 29, 2005 23:12
Today was our last day at my service project and it was so sad! I won't see those kids for another year! I loved them! We had so much fun and we are way over our 50 hours and we are so totally going back next year! It was awesome.
I was gonna write in here what I did yesterday but I don't remember at all! Lemme think for a minute... OMG I totally remember now! We went to our service project then went to the dentist. Then me, marena, steph, mary katherine, my mom, and mrs. dichiara all went out to eat dinner. that's what I did. Yep...sounds boring but it was actually kinda fun. Oh and for lunch yesterday we met jasan at moe's and I saw Katherine there! I was happy because I didn't think I'd see her for a while but she doesnt leave for Auburn for another 2 weeks I think.
I also plotted evil plans that involved me, steph, and lots and lots of shaving cream! Hehe!
Well...I'm out!