May 15, 2005 17:08
the other day i was cleaning out my file cabnet
when i came across this little pink post-it.
on this post-it was a reall mest up picture
of a girl named april. amanda bagozzi, kaitlyn
martin, amanda chrzazs, samantha wittie, and i
drew this picture in the seventh grade, well
anyways i use to hang it im my locker and stab
it with siccors because april would always
piss me off and push me and other people
around. yes it was pretty funny when i found
it, i laughed.
this past saturday i went to my lake house, its
being bulit and it is huge, we also got our jetski's
and stuff on saturday, mine is soo cute. =]
i start drivers training may 31st with kristen,
amadna c, and jesika! it shall be exciting.
i am also going to cedar point with jesika coming
up soon in june.
i love you.<3