hahahahahahaha- you're kidding right

Jun 21, 2005 21:03

you know its funny that there's this guy that might think that I like him just because I have free time and not always with <3~Dan~<3... don't flatter yourself and don't make me laugh.... Get real...I was telling Dan about it and he had the same reaction... he just laughed....

besides that since I was kinda moody...on to another moodier subject... MaryRose IS moving to Vegas. She is going to school there this fall. That makes me sad because no matter how many fight I have had with that girl, I know I can always go visit her at her house and all and just chill with her and her bunnies, Bunbun and Honey. :) That just sucks thats all. Now what would I do with myself? I'm also moving to a new place in school and its in urbana. All of my friends are going to be in Champaign. i used to be able to run to Sara Lee's place when she's having a mental breakdown or vice versa....Jenny's going to be there too as well as some of our guy friends. That makes me sad. But we'll make it work. somehow I know I will. At least I get to live near Dan this time. Since sophomore year, I get closer and closer so less of a walk/bus ride and its close to the gym. Damn right.... I gotta run my fat ass.... getting a little chunky.

I went to the dentist again. I got two novacain/e? shots and it really wasn't that bad, but that damn clown was there staring at me and I hate clowns as much as I hate visits to the dentists/doctors... at least the good thing is that I got half a day off. I got off of work at 2:30 instead of 5:30 so less traffic...it was kinda nice. No road rage for me tonight. i went out to dinner with my mom and my brothers today. It was nice. We haven't done that in a while because someone is always working or just f-ing tired of working or driving. Actually thats not true....my dad was working...i told you. We are never complete. Dang it!

I need to go to Champaign soon. If no one wants to go with me so be it. I'll visit my roommates and the boys (Cuba and etc.) Chillin'
with the boys is always fun. GO POKER! and going out and such.... no need to get gussied up.....ya kno, but I do like getting dresses up once in a while with the girls for a couple of cocktails or two. I think if I ever get a job with the company that I am interning now, I will become a friday night cocktail drinking girl or something that would make me want to relieve tension because deadlines are so f-ing hectic and it doesn't help that since I'm new I'm stuck with the crazy ass slow computer...Kinda takes a while to do things if its so dang slow!!! I guess that's enough bitching for now. I feel much better now. I'm off to move to calling Dan and Bubblz.
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