:-( :mi face hurts: "well its killing me"

Dec 08, 2004 14:24

well i updated this huge long entry in complit 9th but the bell rang b4 it finished updating so it didnt save :-\ o welll

hmm yesterday was juss yesterday. idt nehting specialli rele happened. well besides the whole hmm "incident" hahahahhahah O=) gt gt. i got home yesterday and was rele hypr so i sang 2 jessica simpson nd juss chylled. got a card wid $10 frum england that made mi day. then we headed out 4 cantada which went quite good i must say. then once again stayed up past 2:30 doing hw nd talking 2 ppl nd juss chylan cuz i cudnt sleep. but idk u guyz- ppl r juss retarded. nd lifes juss all blahh but im gessing the sooner i can juss accept things 4 how they r nd get ova it then the sooner i can get on wid mi lyfe. but i think im forming sum kind of insomnia... or mayb i shud juss go on a no suga/caffeine diet! $50 sez taht will solve mi prob

well 2day woke up--> then went bakk 2 sleep showered then g-ma drove me in. hu else do u kno htat afta the one min bell can go upstairs go 2 thier lokka go 2 megans classroom nd then go downstairs to their classroom all b4 the bell rings?? heh none otha than me =) arent i juss so talentd :-P then in hmrm found out that me nd megan were in the ram-report [skool paper] haha the homecoming parade 4 the celtic society.. we rnt even in that club! hahah GT GT :-) then it happend... o jeez: so in gym class u c we r playing floor hokkey nd seeing i lakk wat ppl call hand eye coordinational skill im not 2 great @ that sport but 2day i was motivated to try nd skore a 100% in gym so i decided i was going 2 TRY so i moved up 2 4ward. so she blows the whistle nd throws the ball out nd hte nexx thing i kno im on the floor! opposing me was devin w [a junior] playing 4ward nd idk mayb he figured like the rest of the girls i wasnt going 2 go 4 the ball or that i mite actualli watch wat he was doin.. but idk.. as the ball came 2ward us we both ran in for it nd with him being tall he had 2 sumwat lean in ova the stikk to have a good grab at it nd as he went 4 it his shoulder slammed me in the jaw nd i went flying [[keep in mind i was rushing 2wards him, it wasnt like i was juss standing there]] so he i gezz saw me falling nd went 2 grab me 2 prevent it nd like practically tripped ova all that was going on nd almost landed on top of me.. it was insane but he pulled me up nd was rele sry so it's s'all good. it all happened so fast tho i was juss like woah that mustve been one hekk of a scene 2 c. megan goes "she blew the whistle nd the nexx thing i kno hez got his arm around ur waist nd is practically on top of u!" hahahhaha o jeez so yea now it hurts 2 chew or close mi teeth hard nd 2 open rele wide (chorus was hard)nd im rele hungry. blah nd now im juss like ded so im going 2 nap a lil while b4 we have 2 go 2 yg.

peace out kid

hit up da celli or leve sum ♥
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