ïòðxoxnybabi143xox is a radioactive squirrel!!
Go-Quiz.com hah well this has been a boring weekend.. friday juss plain out .s.u.c.k.e.d. lets juss leve it at that but trevor helped me cuz hez a kool kid like that :-) then 2day i was juss rele lazy megan called me nd woke me up 2 tell me mi game was canceled nd then i was ambitious nd planned 2 shower clean mi room re-write an essay and pakk sumwat nd lets c all i got done was showering.. haha im so0o0o lazii! heh
well thats mi storii :-) on da fone wid erin so everything is better now :D lol nd she juss punctured her shoulder blade by leaning 2 hard on it. hah nd shes NOT CRZII! " i did NOT kill mi husband!"