Oh man okay well
I just realized it's been like... 2 months since I actually made an entry in this fucking thing that was RELEVANT TO ANYTHING.
So maybe I should get on that.
Warning this will probably be hella long. I just drank like 6 or 7 cokes and I'm really fucking wired right now so I'm pretty sure I'll be able to think of a lot to say.
FIRST THING'S FIRST. I have a new husband!!
TECHNICALLY he's not real. Technically. BUT he is a representation of a real person SO fuck off. AND AND AND he's not real so he can't get a girlfriend and cheat on me like a big whore like the last 2.
I will now stick some pictures of him all up in hurr for my own amusement.
Yeeeeah <3
I doooo love the crazies, I do.
Ummm next... ok well related to the last one... I really love The Gorillaz. Like a WHOLE lot recently. Jasmine bought me their first album yesterday because she is obviously the greatest most awesome person ever. AND I love it. Starshine is SUCH a good song. And I am currently doing my best to scrape together the money to buy Rise of the Ogre because I need to read about them to continue living. Now I only need one more of their CDs and I have all 3 annnd I can be happy <3
Hmmm... sooo I saw Harry Potter... and it was fucking AWESOME. Honestly, imo, it was better than the book. And WAY better than the other 5 movies. The artistic direction was AMAZING. And the scene toward the end, where Dumbledore transported himself and Harry to that rock in the middle of the ocean annnd it showed the waves all around them and shit and the huge cliff and shit in front of them... I got chills. BOTH TIMES I SAW THE MOVIE. That's impressive. I could've done with a bit less romantic shit, but whatever. Didn't ruin it for me, so whatevvvvs.
I also saw Bruno twice and HO.LY. SHIT.
I'm sorry but that has to be one of the fucking most hilarious movies I've ever seen. I almost passed out from loling.
Seeing it with Cheryl was excellent because c'mon it's Cheryl and if anyone can make anything better/more lulzy it is her. Seeing it with JT was also very lulzy because he was traumatized. Excellent.
I need to play TF2 as much as I can in the next few days, because my Live sub runs out at the start of August and I am pretty sure as soon as I cannot play TF2 anymore I will cease to continue living. Also I have made some pretty ace friends on there and I would hate to not spend my last few days with them.
Maybe I will run into SkyCaptain again <3 <3 <3 Holy balls I loved him. He used to be in like half the games I played, so I am optimistic about my chances of finding him again.
SkyCaptain, if you somehow stumble across this, you are the most awesome TF2 teammate I've ever played with. Also, goddamn you are so polite. Every time I healed you as a medic you went out of your way to thank me. PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE SO GODDAMN RARE AND I WISH I COULD PLAY TF2 WITH YOU ALL THE TIME. You and that other guy you almost always are with whose name I can't remember but he is awesome as well. I love you both. In a platonic way. I'm sorry I'm so creepy.
I have actually been getting out of my house a bit here and there lately, and I am going to probably be going camping in like a week, so WHOA. I'm kind of proud of myself. Being social and all that. I've even spoken to people I don't know without fidgeting and almost passing out. Perhaps this is progress.
Holy shit I just realized I haven't watched the new Zero Punctuation yet. Crap.
I NEED. A job. I-- like SO badly. I'm thinking about applying at KFC because the last few times I've been there I have noticed that at least half the current employees are MENTALLY RETARDED and I'm quite sure that if THEY can do the job, I can too. And twice as well. SO I'm going to go do that, then spam the hart area with resumes and pleading. Hopefully this will work, as I need money for several things esp with Jasmine being all DAIRYON WE ARE MOVING OUT TOGETHER BY NOVEMBER GODDAMN and making me shit my goddamn pants. Oh well, I suppose it's good for me. I kind of need a bit of a kick in the ass to go out and DO SOMETHING and possibly make something of myself. Seriously I sit on my ass trolling /v/ with gay porn, write fanfiction, draw fanart, and talk on MSN all day. Occasionally I get up and go buy more coke from the store just up the road, but I mean really. REALLY. Holy balls. I think I should also get a car sometime in the not TOO distant future. I feel like kind of a dick relying on EVERYONE else to get me everywhere. And I'm sure I will need to be able to drive eventually.
KATLIN <3 <3 <3 is coming back in a month. Oh. My. GOD. Holy fucking shittits balls on the face everywhere. I am so happy to know this. I have missed him like nobody even knows. As soon as he gets back I am going to attack him with hugs and sobbing and the like. It will be magical and he will be like HOLY SHIT GET OFF ME YOU GODDAMN PSYCHO
Recently I feel... I dunno... like something's missing in my life. Which is weird, I mean, because I have everything basic that I could possibly want. I don't know, I feel like I really REALLY need to do something crazy drastic. I know what it is that I want. I am positive of what it is, and I'm not exactly happy about it, because being that kind of person isn't really something to be proud of but I can't really help it. I know what I want, but getting it seems really complicated, and takes things that I am pretty sure I lack. But I think no matter how difficult it might be, I really need to try as hard as I can to get there, even if it's just a little, because I want it SO badly I don't know what to do with myself right now when I don't have it. UGH. Oh well, if I don't work for it, I don't deserve it, so work for it I shall.
Hmmmmm... I think maybe this is all I have to say for now. I'll go bug JT and Cheryl on msn I guess. WOOO~