wa hoo!

Jul 02, 2005 23:44

Ok..so I got my permit..freakin A i'm excited. Dad took me out driving and no one died..so thats a good sign. Mom's having a party thing tomorrow which should be interesting...i'll let ya know how that one goes. Not that anyone actually reads this anyway because no one freakin comments...you assholes ha just kidding.

OHHHH MAN. ok so the girls and I planned to get together with Mindi on Thursday, which was sooo exciting, however Mindi said she'd call us cuz we dont know her dad's number. so we all planned to go to Davis Brothers on Thursday, this was figured out Wednesday..however, Thursday rolls around and still no call from Mindi. So at 7 o clock on Thursday we decided we needed to do something with or without her. So we all..me, cali, amanda, logan, beky, erica, went to Logans house and watched a movie..Out Cold. Which was VERY good if i might add. So yea...we're a lil pissed at Mindi because it was suposed to be a party for her. It's now Sunday almost and still..Mindi hasn't called. URGH!

Oh and I started my new job, i get 7.25 an hour and work whatever days i want basically. and all i do is file shit and am organizing a cabinet...HA my job rocks. oh and dad takes me out to lunch everyday since its too far away to go home..i forgot to mention..i work at my dads work.. STS (Sanders Tools and Supplies) so I worked 12 hours..and got $90! which i was so excited about lol.

Lets see here...Monday Brandon's parentals are having a party I believe, and Brandon and his dad invited me and my parentals..which should be interesting because our parents have never really talked before. I think they've met once or twice and talked for about 30 seconds each time. So yea...

Oh and I think my head is about to burst into a billion pieces it hurts so bad.

Well i'm gonna go to bed
Comment if you still want me to update this bitch. please

Ciao Bitches
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