Lead me to the light Part 1/?

Jul 10, 2011 23:33

The world is mapped out for us. we know that evil exists because we watch the news, and everyday there is a new horrible person that has done horrible things.

there are many sayings that there is no such thing as pure white, or pure black. personalities are a blend. they come in shades of gray, some light and some dark, leaning toward blackness. we do not know what shades people come from until we see them at their worst. we wish we can view everyone with some kind of light vision, as they approach us we see them in their 'true colors', but that is not possible. that is why we have to give people chances to prove themselves worthy of our trust.

sometimes we regret that decision dearly.

and sometimes that regret comes too late.

Conrad has the privilege of knowing people before they speak to him. he has the ability to see the world in black and white.

objects are white- and vehicles, the sky, and even plants are black to him.

but people confuse him to no end. they are always gray.

their skin color didn't matter. because he saw them in shades. all of them. as if an aura surrounded them.

Conrad rarely tries to fit in, basically he was scared. kids in his school were a variety of gray, but some were so dark he was terrified of them coming closer to him. so he pretends to not watch when a dark group approach his classmate, beside his locker and ask him to come hang out with them. his classmate is happy that such a popular group want to be friends with him.

Conrad has a bad feeling about this. knowing that they probably planned to bully the poor kid.

the group leader turns to Conrad and eyes him wearily.

Conrad gives a side way glance and notes that that guy is the new transfer student in his class.

"hey Conrad, why don't you join us?" his eyes narrow.

Conrad pretends to arrange his open locker, just so that they can not see his hands shake violently.

"n-no -t-thanks, i have stuff to do..." his legs start to shake and he straightens his back.

the leader gives him a long look while the others watch quietly.

slowly he comes closer, leaning his hand on the locker, slowly closing it, making a point of ignoring the fact that Conrad's hands are still arranging, crushing them painfully. Conrad jerks his hands out. shoving them in his jacket.

out of the corner of Conrad's eye, he sees a very dark cloud around the guy. he turns away and starts walking quickly, stumbling and shoving people, ignoring their angry curses towards him. he did not need to worry about them. they were mostly light gray. the epiphany of peace, but that guy, he was almost black, he had to get as far away from him as possible.

later as Conrad left school, he walked through the basket ball court infront of his school. thankful that the court is empty, he slows down a bit, he liked to look at the court because it was so white. children played here most of the time and their innocence has made the place very pure. very light. he liked how it felt, his eyes were comfortable.

a strange feeling started to form in the back of his head. a slight headache.

he turns around and jumps a bit. his mouth open in a silent gasp.

the group were sitting in the corner, by the entrance of the court. they were sitting in a half circle, talking quietly and laughing. their leader seems quiet.

Conrad tries not to stare but there is something that bothers him about that guy.

he turns around when the guy's eyes suddenly look into his. his face is expressionless but his gaze is intense.

Conrad turns around quickly, takes a few steps then glaces back, wondering if the gaze was still on him.

the guy was standing there grinning at him, his eyes terrifyingly dark.

Conrad shut his eyes tight. his fists shaking.

the guy knew he was scared of him. what if he tried to do something tomorrow?

should he skip school?

should he move?

Conrad was petrified, feeling extremely dizzy.

this was not something he usually felt, but this guy special. he was evil, Conrad could tell.

because in Conrad's vision, he was the only one to see that the guy's eyes were pure black.


we all wish to know people's intentions before we became too close or too attached to them. to avoid being hurt, but really, i would rather live normally and be blissfully ignorant of all the evil in the world, or the evil standing next to me in the checkout line in a store.

blackandwhite evilandpure shadesofgray

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