(no subject)

Nov 09, 2004 18:00

How many people have you dated this past year?: Fnehy.
How many people have you kissed in your life?: None. I kissed my lamp once, though.
How many people have you said "I love you too" and meant it?: Fnehy
Have you ever had a hard time getting over someone?: Nope.
Are you friends with your ex/exes?: Fnehy.
Have you ever been cheated on?: No.
What's the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?: Me and my friend Starling sang the bible at camp. AHA. So romantic.
What do you look for in your ideal mate?: Some one who would truly love me. Who would accept me for my sexuality I have been oh so ashamed of... :\
Turn-offs: Discrimination.
Best quote to sum up love: Love is love, you can't change that.
What religion are you?: Agnostic, towards the atheist side...
Do you got to church regularly?: UU church.
What do you think happens when you die: You die. OMGWTFLOL.
Do you believe in God?: Who am I to say he's there or not? I think not. But, I can't say I'm right.
Satan?: Look above.
Angels?: Yes. Myself. I'm an angel from up above. :33
Heaven?: STFU
Hell?: Don't you mean the United States of America...?
What do you think of abortion?: Pro-choice to a certain extent.
Suicide?: Selfish… Ugh.
Flag burning?: Fuck you, flag burners.
Pop music?: Ugh. Whores...

What Did You Do...
Last weekend?: Computer. Eh, gasp...?
Yesterday?: I was sick
Valentines Day?: I was a selfish moron. I was sad I didn't have a boyfriend. Fuck that...
4th of July?: Camp. :3
Halloween?: Trick or treating. I was a ghost. OMHFEAR.
Thanksgiving?: Dunnp.
Christmas Eve?: Suspense... suspense...
Christmas Day?: Opened presents with my family, my aunt and my cousins. Yes. :3

What do you think you'll be doing in..
A week from now?: On the computer, most likely.
A month from now?: Reffer to above.
A year from now?: I might be in New Zealand.
5 years from now?: NZ.
10 years from now?: NZ.
20 years from now?: NZ.
50 years from now?: Damn ugly. But full of morals. (:

Ever Been Called...
Dumb?: Yes..
Retarded?: Damn right I have.
Ugly?: Yurps.
Hot?: Yes, lurvies.
Fat?: XD no.
Anorexic?: I get it all the time.
A waste of space?: Yes.
Useless?: LOLZ YES.
Sexy? Damn right I have been.
Smelly?: Foolish Dad. XD
A Slut?: Yup.
Beautiful?: Yeah.
Smart?: Haha yes. Morons.
Boring?: Yes.
A Bitch?: Repeated times.
Rebel?: Haha yes. They're right..
Conceited?: Yups.

What are you wearing?: Pajamas. :3
Who are you talking to?: People on Gaia.
How is the weather?: Ugh. Cold.
What are you listening to?: Ani Difranco- Slide
What/Who are you thinking about?: Myself. HOBEBEH.
What are you eating/drinking? Water and cookie dough.
What are you looking forward to?: The weekend.
What are you dreading?: School.
How are you feeling?: Kind of a headache.
How is your hair?: Wet.
What are you annoyed by?: Anti-gays...

When Was The Last Time You...
Burped?: I barely ever burp. So, a long time ago.
Kissed?: A lamp. Week ago.
Had sex?: Never.
Went to the movies?: Quite a long time ago.
Went out to eat?: Saturday.
Cried?: Don't remember.
Got dumped?: I dumped myself on my bed last night. I was sleepy...
Dumped someone?: Fnehy.
Threw up?: Long time ago.
Peed?: Sometime today.
Went skating?: Month ago? Damn, I need to blade more...
Went for a walk?: I walked to my bathroom a while ago.
Ate ice cream?: Last night.
Got into a fight?: STFU.

Three Things

3 things you enjoy doing
1. Gaia.
2. Talking to people on AIM.
3. Socializing during class.

3 things you want to try

1. Being a perv. AHA.
2. Punching like... everyone who annoys me.
3. Kicking like... everyone who annoys me.

3 people you love
1. Myself.
2. Does Gaia count as a person...?
3. Friends...

3 foods you are addicted to

3 things you hate
1. Uninformed little kids who are brainwashed by the media and their parents.
2. Lots of Americans

3 wishes
2. Happiness.
3. Understanding.

Who was the last person you...

Talked to?: I just posted a reply to The 5th Horseman from Gaia. XD
Yelled at?: Myself. Just now.
Kissed?: My lamp.
Hugged?: Myself.
Went out to eat with?: Myself. I took some food OUTside...
Flirted with?: Myself.
Talked to on the phone?: Been a while...
IMed?: Arydan. <3
Got flowers from?: Parents.
Made love to?: Haha. XD
Danced with?: I danced beside a computer at school...

Fought with?: People on Gaia.
Worried about?: Myself. Lol.
Wanted to kill?: Ehrm... not the president.
Cried over?: Dunno...
Thought about?: Myself.
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