The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! Created by
-ambiguous and taken 36732 times on
bzoink!What is your favorite..gumPink Orbitrestaurantthe 99drinkdiet cokeseasonfalltype of weathernot to hot not to coldemotionhappything to do on a half dayshoplate-night activitypartyingsportbasketballcitynew yorkstorehollisterWhen was the last time you..criedsurprisingly enuf a week ago mayb?played a sportgym class this morninglaugheda few mins agohugged someonemy mommy this morningkissed someonelast thursdayfelt depressedidk..yesterdayfelt elatedtodayfelt overworkedugh..todayfaked sicklol..a few weeks lolWhat was the last..word you saidyeahthing you atepotato stickssong you listened tonumb/encorething you drankginger aleplace you went toschoolmovie you sawman on firemovie you rentedvirgin suicidesconcert you attendeduhmm..battle of the bands?Who was the last person you..huggedmy mommycried overthats a toughie idk..kissedbethdanced withmy dance classshared a secret witherka prlyhad a sleepover withbethcalledkellywent to a movie withheather heidi n ktsawmy mom?were angry withmy momcouldn't take your eyes off ofyou*obsessed overyou*Have you ever..danced in the rainyeskissed someoneyesdone drugsyesdrank alcoholyesslept aroundhaha ..duhpartied 'til the sun came upyeshad a movie marathonyesgone too far on a dareyesspun until you were immensely dizzyyess fun funtaken a survey quite like this beforeyes
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