Mar 08, 2005 18:29
heyy lovves,
well some of you are my loves but others are not! Only a few people kno what i am speaking about!(Hanjjie,nicoley,ariele,jess!) haha luv them soo much! W/e its just annoying when you trust sumone and there like one of ur bffs and they are talking about you behind your back with sumone else who you dont sey anything bad about. I mean i do not understand why you would like tell the person these things like if they ever told me something i would never tell because its likea girls code u cant do that. And sum of the things werent even tru so w/e. I dont even care anymore its just incredibly dumb and i dont care what people do anymore.2 dayy sucked! yahh funn! i luvv rehersal! loolz! hannjie,nicoley,ariele,jess,linds,emmy,lex,T,kim,lauren and everyone else i <3 u cuz i can tell u girlies things and i kno u stey truee! Jess u need 2 stop showing off! haha In a super bad mood so wen i got home after being in the snow i ate my luvv choc ice cream! loolz! i made weiners while i was talkin 2 lyss my luvvie on the fonee!<3 i just hate stupid fights and want everything 2 be over and not mentioned again! only thing i am happy about is One Tree!<3333 Now summ studyiin,dinner and then maybe sum more studyin and then 2 straightiin the hair! xoxox 143!
I LOVE YOU!!!(well sum of u!)hehe