Spring Milan 2005

May 08, 2005 20:55

Herzl. Savage . Greenberg

Spring Milan 2005


Coordinating it was such a rewarding expierence and I hope everyone had a blast.

First and formost I want to thank my girls. My Savage girls. If anything this weekend only proved to me even more than before how much I love you all. Through Tears at seperates and mit bonding I know I can come to you girls about anything. So lets start the weekend off.

We arrived at milan seeing herzl already there. We went in unpacked read the rules and did mixers. Then had the dinner group start getting dinner ready. Brit and I had our private boundry breakers- it was intense stuff. We chilled until dinner. Then we ate and had services. After we had MY ONEG! the one I worked my butt off on. If yu guys want to know what it was IM me. I better be getting some IMs because this oneg was clever. After oneg we had Boundry Breakers. Leo, Jackie and Amanda (?) were in mine. It was a good one. I hate when epoepl don't talk during it because it is such a great thing and people should take advantage of it. After that we just kind of hung out a chilled the rest of the night. We played epar. it turns out im a beast. I won almost every time! AND I ripped a guys shirt TWICE. yeah dont mes swith Rachel Kessler y'all! I will HUNT YOU DOWN. lol

Saturday morning came and breakfast group (Me!) got breakfast ready. After breakfast we had services and chill time. After that we had COLOR WARS. It was a lot of fun. Jackie was hilarious-"Team Jackie, we're awesome!" and Becca's team made their mascot ME! yeah suckups but hey, it worked lol. We basically did a bunch of relays and that sort of thing and of coarse, ended it with a...WATER BALOON FIGHT! (kind of shaving cream one as well) So then I watched a bunch of people shower together with Britney Spears. That was very amusing. Then after we had MEGA TWISTER. Yeah I lost lol but it was still really funny. Jackie WON! and she got a CANADIAN KOSHER CANDY BAR! We just kind of hung out until dinner and stuff. Then we had seperates. We did a spa. We made lotion and lip gloss and out nails.Then we had this circle of tears for becca. where EVERYONE cried. I had to go get people kleenex. Damn....a site to see. After mama dovs took the mits and i outside. Similar type of thing. tears flowing. Mama Dovs-- if yur reading this... when you leave us, i know yu still have another yr left...but i honestly dont know what im going to do with out yu. I look up to you so much and I love you unconditionally and you are one the most amazing people I have ever met in my life.

Then we basically chilaxed and what not. In the mornign we packed and left. And that was Spring Milan. amazing.

Special Moments*
-Jam Session in the middle of the yard (Spice Girls, Nsync, BSB)
-Water fight
-listening to funny canadian accents
-Idolising Ashley Kaploe
-forming the ashley kaploe fan club with brit
-having intense tear jerking talks with my savagettes
-meeting awesome canadian boys!

I am absolutly exhausted so im going.
FYI to savage girls- on the way home I heard Absolutly by 9 days! I started singing and my brother was like...loser...

"This is the story of a girl, who joined this order and found a new world, and now she feels so safe and welcome here, she absolutly loves it....BBG"

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