May 29, 2005 00:20
Wow I havent written in awhile. Lets begin with the Jesse McCartney concert. Erica Lauren Rita Erin and I went. Flipping sweet. We got ther kind of late so we were THREE BLOCKS away in line. Laur and I were so distraught. Then we cut around the corner and stood with Lindsay Schwartz and her friends. Her friend Elissa ( who is like my new best friend ) decided to walk three blocks up and cut in line around the corner from the front. She calls us up 10 minutes later and is like- send the next two. and so two by two we went to the front. It was so funy. These girls were so vicious. The ones behind us were like "were you standing here?" and so elissa thinking on her feet was like- "yeah! we were just takinshifts in the car" and then the girl was like- "I remember their sweatshirt" umm what ever lol. So we get in while making friends with people in line and we are THIRd FLIPPING ROW! These girls are sooo vicious...pushing and scratiching. The opening wact was Brie, she was in the movie sleepover. She wasnt that good. BUt man...Ben the gutarist was BEATIFUL. The whole time we were waving and screaming "WE LOVE THE GUITARIST!!" We are getting married. During the concert i could not move a single muscle in my body, no exaggeration. Finally Erin and I pushed up to front row. It was AMAZING. Dude I could see him sweat. He was amazing live and he is by far one of the most gorgeous creatures on this planet. It was amazing. Elissa Erin and I left during the encore to get shirts. Guess who was outside? BEN!! Yeah I met him he signed my arm and we talked. He gave me a hug ::sigh:: When he saw us he wasl ike you were the girls waving. I practically fainted. Lol I feel like such a....teeny bopper lol. All in all fabulous night...saw jesse made friends loved it.
I really dont remembre anything about that weekend except for senior lives. it was fun i went with Nicole. Then Nicole Jake and I left early to get dinner at coney. yummm! Then we came back for Rachel SOlomons and ALex/ Ruths.....SOO FUNNY. Lindsay Goldfadens was hilarious too. "rachel....I like you better than your brother. your pretty cool" lol thanks lindsay love you too.
This week was very stressful. I don't remember the details I just remember a lot of stress. ( pop TEST...don't even want tot alk aboout it. I did so much worse than excpected)
Yesterday was fun. Maegan Rita and I went to Ericas House after school. Erica skipped to work on Reigonal Installs. SO we bargerd in lol. Lindsay Gaston, Alex Dropkin and Brandon Achtman were there. We hung out and that was really fun. I went to Becca's for her birthday. I saw Elana! wow I havent seen her in ages. Then Erica Maegan and I left early cause Maeg was being kidnapped from erica's house and we needed to be home in time. Then I Zach Simons and Zach Dovitz came over and I met them. They seem nice. THen I went home. and slept
only to be woke up by Mama dovs cause I WAS BEING KIDNAPPED! woo it was soo much fun. We got kidnapped to ericas house were we had mit inductions and made a video to watch at out sr lives. Lainey's was funny when I walked in and made a comment about her doing stuff with a certian someone lol. Yeah it will be great watching that when we are srs.
Mama Dovs- I am SO proud of you. You have done so an amazing job as mit mom and next year you will do a fabulous job as president. I love you soo much!
After that I went to the mall with Maegan and Erin where we met up with Rita and Erica. It was fun. I definitly found a lot of cool stuff including PLAID PANTS! yeah im excited about those lol. We even saw laur and elyse there later. And i got all these people do buy from my brother.
EVERYONE- if you buy from nordstrom this summer buy from my brother adam so he gets comission.
I came home and then went to Nicole's for her surprise party! It was soo much fun. THen Nicole drove Jake and I to my house ( his car was in my drive way) and then i had to move my moms myself so he could get out. It was sweet lol. So now Im typing on this.
call the cell for plans tomarrow <3