...because I'm cool like that (sarcasm) I will spam some old pictures of Yesi!
I haven't been ingame much lately----- because of a nasty 'cold' my computer caught. I swear it's more like a deadly disease but I will not talk about it because it upsets me. *lol*.
Well I want to get Yesi and Cortland married off with babies but since that aint happen anytime soon... these will have to do.
I ended up winning Survivor! (Forgot to mention on LJ) and that was like a month or so ago.
The contest was really fun and winning is just a plus to an already plus plus situation.
Enough rambling heres some photoraphs.
NOTE: The pictures are massive and theres a lot of them... so... brace yourself. You've been warned!
Rockin' the DanniBan (Bandanna)
Doing what I do best... being a lazy TV junkie.
Round One Pictures/Captions
Arrival @ Camp
The smexy dude in the background was created by FourTseven and guess what? You can get the hunk here at Lost utopia
Bet yah can't do this!
Nothing like a warm fire
Bananas!!! YUMMMMIE Lourdes was created by Liv
Round Two Pictures/Captions
Picnic for two?
~* Round 3 *~
~* Final Round *~
I've been debating finishing the competition... LOL... but like BOe and big brother I have a short attention span.