U think u kno me, but really... u have no fukin idea!!!
naim::: Jesyka
seckz::: babigurli
loc::: 9 . 5 . 4
occ::: msd c/o 06
stats::: havin fun... hehe
~ i luv * him * ~
mah livejournal:::
http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=addicted_425 i kan`t make a cherry pop... but i kan make a banana cream
U tHiNk iMa iNnOcEnt gRL
lEtz mAkE a bEt,
CuZ iF tHaS wUt U tHiNk
**U dUn knO mE yEt**
*y0u 0nly kn0 what u C*
_cUz reaLLy_
~u kn0 n0thin ab0ut me~
when you call me a bytch
i jus smile - qiqqle and walk away
bcuz i knew that b4 u
It's not that I wanted to say good-bye, it's just that I knew I had to.
I`m not guna say that you were a mistake,
I`m not guna say that I regret wut we did,
I`m not even guna say that I wish it didn`t happen,
Bcuz for a short time you made me tha happiest person in tha world,
But now it`s time for me to end this, move on, let you go, n end this part of mah life,
And even tho u rn`t guna in tha next part, mah future seems brite,
So now i`m guna say goodbye, walk away, n not look back, and pretend u didn`t hurt me,
Bcuz i`m better than that, and I don`t need you nemore!
stupid lil fites n crazi ass nites
yelling at asswholes n laughin our asses off
talkin about guys n bitchin about hoes
cryin about dickheads n gettin revenge (lol)
there`s noone i wud have rather spent those times with
Jesyka n Jessica
* 477 BFFL 143 BFFE 637 *
*** qwotes ***
When you start to miss me, just remember... you're the one that let me go.
Its weird how things happen so quickly... Love kan turn to hate in jus one minute...
did you ever put your arms out & spin?
thats exactly what love feels like. . something
inside is telling you to stOp before you fall & get hurt
but you just keep spinning anyway
It`s never easy to understand why
memories hold our hands
but people let go.
:: It makes me sick 2 think that sum1 u culd tlk 2 bout *everything* kan just treat u lik shyt nd think thats ok!!::
Wanting him is hard to forget,
Loving him is hard to regret,
Loosing him is hard to accept,
But even with all the pain i've felt,
Letting go is the most painful yet.
I cried today... not bcuz I missed you, or even wanted you.. but bcuz I finally realized that I gunna be okay w/out you!
* i'd rather have a m o m e n t *
. . of something wonderful . .
instead of a lifetime of nothing special
Hindsight is always 20-20
Sometimes you just have to let go and move on
Ur supposed to forgive and forget, but sum things jus hurt so bad, I kan`t forget.
never [r e g r e t] what u done in the past..
cuz it was what u were feelin at the [m o m e n t]
It's hard to loose tha one you love, to finally have to say goodbye, you keep trying to be strong, but tha pain keeps holding on and all you kan do is cry.
Be who you are and say what you feel because those
who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
HoW aRe We eXpEcTeD tO LiVe iN
* R E A L W O R L D *
WhEn mOsT oF tHe PpL iN iT aRe FaKe
It's easy to believe someone
when they tell you
- exactly what you wanna hear -
Men think they r kings, Kings r rulers, Rulers r 12 inches....still think ur a man? I DONT THINK SO!
SoMeTiMeS PpL bUiLd
U uP jUsS 2 KnOcK u DoWn
SoMeTiMeS tHeY WiLL HaV u TheRe
JuSs CuZ tHeY NEeD SoMe1 aRoUnD
I'll be fine without u,
I wont even cry,
even tho I kno "I love you" wus a lie,
So go on with ur life, and i'll go on with mine, getting passed the knowledge that all u did wus lie.
*MeSs WiTh My GUrLz...mEsS wiTh mE*
*HuRt ThEm...ThEn uLL sEe*
*i'LL mAkE uR LyFe A LiViNg HeLL*
*CuZ i'D giVe Em My LyFe N tAkE uRz As WeLL*
Sumtimes there r no next times,
No time outs, no second chances,
Sumtimes its now or never,
Wutever happens, wus meant to be.
Ppl change,
things go wrong,
shyt happens,
but *life goes on*.
Im convincing myself, yes ill find sum1 new, I wont be alone, and I wont be with you.
Ur waiting for me to crawl back to ur side, but no, not this time,
Im keeping my pride,
So goodbye 4ever, ill be on mah way,
Its going 2 take time, but I WILL be okay.
Y is it wen a guy isa playa he`s considered a pro.. but wen a gurl takes a turn, she`s considered a hoe?¿
Sumday u`ll be sorry,
Sumday wen ur free,
memories will remind you that we were meant to be.
Sumtimes u hafta let go, even tho ur heart dusn`t want 2...
I liked you so much,
I ddint tell you,
I didnt wana damage a friendship so truu,
Id say I love you,
But u dun love me back, and love is a reciprical thing.
"If you were never supposed to have sex you wouldn't be able to, but obviously you're supposed to cuz you can!"
iVe LeArNeD tHaT..
gOoDbYeS WiLL *aLwAyS* HuRt
PiCtUrEs WiLL *NeVeR* rEpLaCe HaViNg BeEn tHeRe
MeMoRiEs..GoOd oR BaD *WiLL* bRiNg tEaRs
& wOrDs WiLL *NeVeR* rEpLaCe FeeLiNgS
SoMeTiMeZ i cLoSe My EyEs aNd PrEtEnD
wHaT iF i HaD To ChAnCe To Do iT aLL AgAiN
I dont think ill ever be tha same,
bcuz i kno nuthing kud ever take away tha pain.
It dusnt matter wut i do,
bcuz no matter wut, i end up thinking about you.
dOnT tRuSt SuMoNe u HaVe dOubTz abOuT
tHeY'rE GuNnA bE tHa FiRsT 0nez tO SeLL u OuT
GiViN mEh diRtY LoOkz AcTiN LiKe U aInT CaRiN
5 MInZ LaTa, UghH bYcH y U sTiLL StAriN?
No farewells were spoken,
No time to say goodbye. You were gone before I knew it,
And only god knows why.
My heart still aches with sadness, Secret tears will flow,
What it meant for me to lose you,
No one will ever know...
U aLl LoOk aT mE aNd sEe iNnOcEnsE
BuT yaLL gOt nO dAmN cLuE WuT iVe eXpErieNcEd
The only thing that matters
is just following your heart
n eventually you'll finally get it right.
PpL DoNtT cHaNgE
U jUs BeGiN To sEe wHo tHeY rEaLLy R iN TiMe
------- is 7 letters n bullshit is 8... but 2 me they both mean tha same thing... Lies
1st u were sayin "yea lets do it"
n wen i sed "yea" u were lyke "umm jus screw it"
inside jokes
SmOkE a DiCk... LoL... sUrE!!! hEhE
wut if his bro walks in on me and him??? lmao lol Jess... that wud jus be a turn-off!!! lol
ur brother`s hott n ur not!!! LOL HaHa
he luvs me... LISTEN... lol Tammy... wut if tha world wus bald???
yO yO yO hOe hOe hOe yeh i knO i knO lOl Jessica... i`m jus sayin.. Ur a fukass!!! lmao... shoot is a 4 letter word... i`m consescently discussing ur dog status with u banana bait... lmao!! I`M WORTH ATLEAST 6 CENTS!
let`s go in tha time machine... lol Lauren and Shannon (aka mah fukin bitch... lmao)
i have a reason!!! lol Devon
princess sofia... it`s sooo small no1 kan see it... lol Suzanne
"We" "Can't" "Dance"... "We" "Told" "You"... lol Devon n Suzanne
YAY!!! I mean umm thas too bad... no, it`s not *cough* cuz he`s a dickhead *cough*
i`m sexual.... lol
psycho-tellapathetic... lol
he`s tha only one that i will let u fuck... lol Jessica
if i cut off his dick it wont make much of a difference... lol Nikole
oOorps!!! LOL
he`s an h.o.e... he fuked me and me and me... lol
he`s sOoOoOo fukin hOtT 2!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
he only acts lyke a dick ta make up for wut he dusn`t have!!! LMAO
last nite wus sooo gr8!!! lol
i kant blv i did that!!! it wus amazing!!! lmao
wut ass ru living out of??? LOL
My Favorite Places
mah subpro
mah live journal
"You've Got Pictures"