Mar 10, 2005 21:40
yea so tryouts are now officially over for softball and like im really i didnt really care where i got put either jv or varsity would have been fine. there were positive sides to being on both. so like today coach tells me ok ur kinda playing on both and im like wut? and hes like ur playing on jv for but im bringing u up for some practices, nonleague games, and scrimages with varsity. so im like this is awesome, i get to still play starting shortshop on jv and at the same time play with varsity a bit to get better so as u can see im very happy at this time! <3 softball sooo much! im glad im getting the best of both in this case...think its gonna be a great season!
yea but OMG hauppauge actually had a delayed opening the other day...i kno i kno its shocking. even i was surprised but enjoyed the extra sleep...
yea thats legs are killing me from all the toning and conditioning work outs we've been tomorrow starts the first real practice! woop!