1.ugly? -- NO! 2. kind? -- yes 3. quiet? -- noo 4. loud? -- yes 5. shy? -- sometimes 6. weird? -- in a good way 7. selfish? -- no 8. responsible? -- i guess 9. crazy? -- yes 14. nice? -- yeahh :) 15. mean? -- only when we get into fights :( 16. immature? -- as a little kid ;) 17. rude? -- no 18. cool? -- i guess 19. brat? -- no 20. stupid? -- no 21. caring? - yes 22. mature? -- i guess 23. a friend? -- BEST FRIENDS 24. more than a friend? -- BEST 25. talkative? -- veryy 26. boring? -- no way jose 28. creative? -- yess 29. smart? -- when you wanna be 30. a flirt? -- with me 31. trendy? -- sureeeeeeee lol 32. a psycho? -- oh boyy 33. athletic? -- yeahhh 34. confusing? -- somtimes 35. sweet? -- as sugar 36. mood swings? -- every month 37. attractive? -- wooo baby yes 38. annoying? -- no 40. hyper? -- most of the time 41. laid back? -- i guess 42. perfect? -- no one iss
1. whats my age? 13 2. whens my birthday? april 25 3. what color are my eyes? hazel? 4. whats my favorite color? hot pink 5. whats my favorite food? pizza? 6. whats my favorite sport? soccer, volleyball 7. whats my middle name? marie 8. who was my last boyfriend? uhhh bobby? 9. do I enjoy your company? i betyou too 10. have we ever been more then friends? oh yess ;)
2. kind? -- yes
3. quiet? -- noo
4. loud? -- yes
5. shy? -- sometimes
6. weird? -- in a good way
7. selfish? -- no
8. responsible? -- i guess
9. crazy? -- yes
14. nice? -- yeahh :)
15. mean? -- only when we get into fights :(
16. immature? -- as a little kid ;)
17. rude? -- no
18. cool? -- i guess
19. brat? -- no
20. stupid? -- no
21. caring? - yes
22. mature? -- i guess
23. a friend? -- BEST FRIENDS
24. more than a friend? -- BEST
25. talkative? -- veryy
26. boring? -- no way jose
28. creative? -- yess
29. smart? -- when you wanna be
30. a flirt? -- with me
31. trendy? -- sureeeeeeee lol
32. a psycho? -- oh boyy
33. athletic? -- yeahhh
34. confusing? -- somtimes
35. sweet? -- as sugar
36. mood swings? -- every month
37. attractive? -- wooo baby yes
38. annoying? -- no
40. hyper? -- most of the time
41. laid back? -- i guess
42. perfect? -- no one iss
1. whats my age? 13
2. whens my birthday? april 25
3. what color are my eyes? hazel?
4. whats my favorite color? hot pink
5. whats my favorite food? pizza?
6. whats my favorite sport? soccer, volleyball
7. whats my middle name? marie
8. who was my last boyfriend? uhhh bobby?
9. do I enjoy your company? i betyou too
10. have we ever been more then friends? oh yess ;)
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