Sep 20, 2005 22:19
Today was pretty good ... skiped 4th period & went to dinas with hayley && chris ...then we went to the park! which clearly was <3 then i attempted to right out names on the wet ground with chalf taht i found...didnt work all that well. then went back to school and caught 3rd luch hayley threw a few fries at some girl who was gettin so pissed it was fuckin haliarious! haha i <333 hayleyy so funny! then me && hayley were late to classs cuzz her fuckin locker ate her books! and the teacher wudnt let us in so we had to go see magloflin who <33s uss! =) and he wrote us a passs along with a office sesion haha which we went too, ang haley hanton had one too i <33 her alsoo. then FIELD HOCKEY GAMEE! with my favorites <3 such a good game girls even tho we lost it was out best game yet no dout about it! i scored our 1st goal haha =) but it was because of ALL OF US cuznd have dont it wicth out youz! and JESS you had so much to do with that you shot it and i just finished it off so the goalie didnt kick it outta teh way =) well nicee game gilrs <3333 yous