Feb 02, 2004 21:18
Hi kids. Well, I felt guilty not telling you about my day, even though half of you probably have effing hidden agendas and are playing me for a fool like everyone else. *looks around*...Lauren is not having "friend" troubles. So, you know what pisses me off more than anything? Effing people telling me or saying to me "Yeah, EVERYONE with siblings at Feehan got in!" and then they look at me. Fuck yourselves, no they didn't. I know people who didn't get in with siblings there, and most people who got in don't have siblings there. So you know what, just because you didn't get in doesn't mean you have to make up sorry excuses for yourselves and bring down kids who deserve to be there. Grow up, fuckers. It's so interesting how someone just told me that a certain someone was talking about that. "Lauren is braindead, she got in because of her brother!" I mean, didn't you guys know? Matt took the test for me. He also commited to church, filled out my application, got recomendations, AND went on my interview for me. Gee wiz, if I didn't have my brother I don't even think I'd get into Norton! WHAT WOULD I EVERRRRR DOOO WITHOUTTT MY BROTHERRR!! *throws hands in the air*...effing crazies. So, who wants to hear about my day, hmm?
A- Study. We had Cornfield againnn! She's so rad, seriously. I didn't do anything really. Had people asking for my answers again. I told them I didn't know them. I felt so cool and non-cheating. ^-^
B-Ugh, spanish equals HELL. Not even kidding. Yuck asked Stephanie to find some random kid and I don't think she wanted to so I said "I'll do it" and Stephanie goes "we both can!" so I said okay. And yuck was like "ONLY ONE!" and so I was like alright, Steph can then. Whatevers. And she is like "UGH I'LL DO IT!!" and she storms out and she turns to me and goes "*nods* Thanks...thanks." sarcasticly. Do your own fucking chores next time, crack whore.
C- Health. More suicide talk. Woopie. I guess females are more likely to attempt suicide, and males are more likely to suceed. I did not bring up that number. I swear. Really. 0=)
D-English. I felt horrible for Miss C. She's so effing awesome and the kids in my class are so obnoxious and immature. It amazes me. She's so nice and they took advantage of her so bad. It was horrible. I was actually embarrassed for them. *shakes head*...she said she found it amusing so I guess I feel a little better.
E- Math. Er, I told Mr. F that my 48 is really an 84 and he has dislexia. He doesn't like me too much.
F- Science. She threatened to move Brian and I again. *sigh*, I really wouldn't care if she did at this point. He can move. As long as I can stay near Ally, I don't really care. I'm pissed off right now and I really don't care if he knows it because he will eventually. *shrugs*.
G- Lunch. Um, nobody talked to me really. Whoa, shocker!!! *laughs*. It's funny how people think I care.
H- Social studies. I feel so out of it in my little corner of the room now. I kind of just sit there and talk to myself or doodle or write lyrics or something. Kuz never calls on me, and I think he kinda forgets that I'm there. Sometimes he'll bring up my brother and Enzo, and the past jail field trip that Matt went on. Usually not. Once again, I count on Matt for everything. Even teacher's respect.
After school- Came home and slept. What else. That's all I'm good for. Even ask my parents. I yelled at them like an hour ago. I totally flipped put. I think Kim was being a bitch to me for no reason and making fun of me so I said something back and the parentals jumped on me. "WHY ARE YOU SUCH A BITCH WHEN YOU COME HOME FROM SCHOOL!?!? ALL YOU DO IS COME HOME AND SLEEP AND BE MEAN TO EVERYONE!!" "well, dad, it's not the best place to come home to." "YEAH WELL YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A BITCH ABOUT EVERYTHING!". "WELL WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? YOU GUYS HATE ME SO MUCH!" "we dont hate you" "YOU DONT SAY ONE WORD TO ME UNLESS IT'S TELLING ME HOW MUCH OF A FUCKUP I AM! SCREW YOU!" *walks away to room*. So, that was some good times. I'm going now...I have a shitload of homework I have been putting off. Later days kiddos.
L a U r
But I'll gladly go down in a flame if a flames what it takes to remember my name
P.S. - Anyone else dissapointed that Johnny Tremain and Cilla didn't screw?