Something in the way..she moves me..attracts me like no other lover..

Jan 26, 2004 00:19

Heyyyy kids. Well well well, it's that time again. Layout change. Tee hee, like it? I love it.=) I wanted a Beatles one, and plus I though i'd do a whole "holiday theme" thingy. So if you could not's Valentine's day=) I made the Beatles backround also, I'm so proud. Yeah, so welcome to Beatle Mania kiddos. I stole this survey and thought I'd fill it out. If you're a beatle fan as well, as you all should be, fill it out and comment. I'd like to hear your thoughts. Comment on the layout as well, if you please.=) Later Days kiddos.
L a U r
But I'll gladly go down in a flame if a flames what it takes to remember my name

Survey I Found
1. What are your opinions of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band?: I love it, absolutley love it. One of their best, I'd say.
2. We all know Ringo was Billy Shears, but which Beatle was Sgt. Pepper?: Paul.
3. Which "Sgt. Pepper" uniform was the best?: defintley Paul's. I like blue.
4. Which is better..."Yellow Submarine" or "Octopus's Garden"?: Octopus's Garden, but it's hard.
5. Do you think "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" is an acronym for LSD?:Ugh, no. It was about John's son's picture. Yeesh, I hate that rumor. Although it is a strange song and they were definitley, er, high on life?
6. Is Paul McCartney dead?: Haha, no. *throws hands in the air*..crazies.
7. Which "clue" that he is dead is your favorite?: Rubber Soul Cover
8. Would you believe in a love at first sight?: Don't know what that has to do with the beatles, but not really.
9. Ever seen a Beatles film?:Of course! I am very fond of "Help!" =)
10. What do you think John is really saying at the end of "Strawberry Fields Forever"?: People say it's "I bury you Paul"...when the rumor was out, but I think it sounds like "Crandberry Sauce" haha...seriously, listen carefully.
11. Did you get the impression that the girl's house was lit on fire at the end of "Norwegian Wood"?: Nah.
12. Which is better... "This Boy" or "Yes it is"?: This Boy
13. Why was "Please Please Me" left off the 1 album?: I don't know, but I liked it.
14. Have you figured out what "sont les monts que vont tres bien ensamble" means?:It's french for something about good alphits.
15. Do you find "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" disturbing?: Aww, I love it. "BANG BANG MAXWELL SILVER HAMMER CAME DOWN..UPON HIS HEAD!!". Nah, if you aren't disturbed with "newspaper taxis coming to take you away" or "sitting on a cornflake" then you aren't disturbed with Beatles songs. It's just them. You get use to it.
16. How about "Run for Your Life"?: Not really, no.
17. Which single is your favorite?: "Come Together"
18. Which song should have been a single, but wasn't?: "In My Life", love that song
19. What do you see when you turn out the light?: "I can't tell you but I know that it's mine..ohh I get by with a little help from my friends...mmm gunna try with a little help from my friends..." teee heee, thought you could fool me.

Which song...
20. Was Lennon's best?: IS that even a possible question? I think it's retorical.
21. Was McCartney's best?: Hey Jude or Let it Be
22. Harrison's best?: Here Comes the Sun, my alltime favorite.
23. Starr's best?: Act Naturally
24. Has the best lyrics?: Ah jees, that's like impossible. I love the lyrics to "Here Comes The Sun" and "Let It Be" and "Something"...ah, not chosing.
25. Is the wierdest?: I am The Walrus, DEFINTLEY "I am the eggman...I am the eggman..I am the walrus...coo coo ca choo...whoo". Wtf? Oh well, still good.
26. Makes the most sense?:Pretty much anything before Magical Mystery.
27. Makes the least sense?: Either I am The Walrus or Penny Lane, I know Penny Lane is their place in England, but still.. "He likes to keep his fire engine clean, it's a clean machine." Righttttttt??
28. Has the best singing?: I loveeee love loveee the singing on "Here Comes The Sun"
29. Which is better..."Komm, Gib Mir Deine Hand" or "Sie Liebt Dich"? Sie Liebt Dich
30. Do you think Desmond and Molly lived happy ever after?:Dude, he had a barrel in the marketplace, of course! haha.
31. Which Beatle wrote the best songs?:Lennon and Mcartney, no contest.
32. Which version of "The Long and Winding Road" is better... the Anthology 3 version or the strings-enhanced single?: Strings-enhanced. Gives it a better feel.
33. Which album has the best content? Abbey Road, my favorite.
34. Which album has the best cover?: Ah, defintley Sgt. Peper!!
35. Was the White Album's cover brilliant?: No. haha
36. Which song is stranger... "I am the Walrus" or "Glass Onion"?:I'm still going to have to go with IATW, seriously kids, listen if you have not. It's so effing out there. Yet, so good.=)
37. Which of the "early songs" are the best?: The early stuff was all good, but I'm still a sucker for "I wanna hold your hand" and "She Loves You".
38. Which are the best songs from the late 60's and 1970?: Too hard to choose.
39. Do you think the "Magical Mystery Tour" album was not very good?: FIRE IT UP FOR THE MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR! Aw, no of course not. All Beatles albums are good. haha, the movie sucked though, it was funny as hell...but no plot.
40. How long have you liked the Beatles?: Since I could talk, basicly. My daddy loves them so I always have as well. How could you not?
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