Jul 19, 2004 17:19
I d0nt give a crap ab0ut this livej0urnal thing ne more. Im like t0tally slaking on my entries here.lol. But I guess this gives me s0mthing t0 do as I wait for Jay and Julius t0 come 0ver. So... The past month has been wonderful!! :) Me and my 2 c0usins celebreated all 0ur birthdays t0gether with 0ne big party at my h0use. It was rad. I g0t a t0tal of 500 bucks cash from everybody. (thank you all) :) And then next day I spent it all on an I pod and speakers. My parents rented us a lim0 t00 ...and me,jackie,andrea,hannah,julie,and laura g0t to ride it on the strip all night! That was a blast! We made so many friends in 0ther limos driving next t0 us! ;) lol. Some peeps recently called me up and asked me to be a drummer in an all chick band, Yea...an actual band! Sounds fun! Im not shuire if i want to do it yet. Well, on Saturday me Jay and Julius went to Desert Breeze for my trainer Mike's b-day party. (It was wierd cuz we wur da only wite peeps thur) ;)lol. And suddenly a huge gust of wind came, and the PA speakers fell over and the shade shelter cover thinggy blew away. So we helped everyone pack up and stuff and then it started to rain....then hail! And so after every1 left...we sat there on a bench waiting for our ride to pick us up. We got drenched and super muddy. It was fun tho. Then as we were driving home we could only see like 40 feet infront of us...it was really scary. Lol. But ya...it was a very interesting saturday. Well...imma going swimming n0w. T0otles!!
<3 Christina <3