Mar 29, 2004 19:41
Wow, the past few days were t0tally flippin crazy dude! S0me go0ds and s0me bads...u kn0. Well, lets see...friday was nice. I just rested all day and soaked up s0me sun in my grassy backyard before we tear it 0ut and put in a p0ol. I was planning on g0ing t0 the extreme thing, then i g0t in al0t of tr0uble s0 i c0uldn't. :( But then on saturday night I helped Julie babysit 0ver s0meone's h0use. It was so0o fun! We watched Dickie Roberts....that m0vie was t0tally knarly! (devil rabbit! devil rabbit!) hahaha! Then later we watched Final Destination 2! N0w that was 0ne frekin scary m0vie! I was freakin 0ut thr0ugh out the whole thing. lol. (s0rry steve, ...I just c0uldnt wait any l0nger!) Then later we g0t a h0rrible phone call that one of my best friends dad died. It so sad. So then Sunday, s0me friends and I spent the day 0ver her h0use just t0 keep her c0mpany. So anyways, t0day was my first day at Health S0uth. I have my 0wn pr0fessi0nal trainer to train me in jumping and all that stuff like that. yay! It was fun actually. There is s0 many h0t college guys there to0. lol! Well, its getting late and I g0t t0 work on my gay research paper. errrr! Peace!!!
~Christina :)