Sep 18, 2005 21:32
Okay I know this sounds stupid but I'm really flipping about my grades already, THEY SUCK!! I really have to make it into Florida State, that is like my life plan, I will not screw it up! But on a lighter note my weekend was pretty good: Friday Krystal came to pick me up from school. Later that night we all went to Wal*Mart and goofed around. Came home and played with Elijah, watched The Ring 2 (pretty good). Next day just hung out and than later that day my mom took me to Chris Os party and it was fun. Sheridan, Frankie, Cam and I left early to go to the movies and we saw the Emily Rose movie wich I thought was going to be really scarry but I was a little bit of a dissapointment, it was interesting though. After we walked to Wal*Mart (I love that place) and I put on my pimp outfit and walked aroung like a wigger. It was the funniest thing every we took pics. I would put them on here but I don't know how to if you ask me I will be more than happy to send them to you. Spent the night at Sheridans and went to Show Chior practice after that wich was harder than usual, but fun. And now here I sit thinking of how my weekend was well spent.
Much Love, Peace Out!
Devin Suzann