
Oct 28, 2004 17:56

SuRvEy TiMe =)
*Full name: Carmen S*****
*Nicknames: cheeks , pOoPa
*Birthday: Dec 26
*Age: 15
*Sex: Female
*Where do you live: RI
*Hometown: Providence
*School: Davies Career n Tech (06)
*Hair Color: naturally Brown, artificially blonde (lOl)
*Hair length: mmm chest length
*Eye Color: Depends.. brown
*Glasses or Contacts: maybe in the future
*Height: 5’4/5’5
*Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?: righty
*Goal in Life: make an impact in peoples livesi wanna do volunteer firefighting, work as an EMT, and get my degree in forensic science pathology.

*Have you ever..*

*Smoked: nope
*Been Drunk: na
*Skinny dipped: nope
*Stole: im an angel (lOl) 0:)
*Stayed up all night on the internet: I hate to admit it
*Cried over a guy: yepp.. ONE(he said i had an "affect" i guess it was more like a "defect" lOl
*Been in a fist fight: yes plenty lol
*Fell off a chair: yes (shhh)
*Lap danced: haha yeahh..
*Do you speak a foreign language: spanish
*Are you clumsy: ..yessssss
*Broken any bones before: nope
*Are you listening to music: yeah… my boo - usher n alicia keys
*Do you prefer coffee or tea: coffee
*Have you walked into a door before?: no lol
*Funniest moment: w3n i fell off stage during a performance (lOl)
*One thing that irritates you: RED SOX
*Are you a good student: yes
*Have you sung in the shower?: yea i did this morning
*Have you hugged a stranger?: actually..yes
*Have you learned from any mistakes?: all of them.. then I do them over again
*Do you like your handwriting: i cant complain
*Are you picky: definately
*What makes you cry: sOmethin sad (lOl)
*What makes you mad: w3n i cant have what i want
*Do you believe in God: yeah..
*If you could live anywhere else, where would you live? TeXaS
movie:taking lives n with
actor:denzel washington
actress: angelina jolie
color: pink n green mostly pink
comedy: without a paddle
candy bar:recees , junior mints
candy : sour patches (kids)
soda: Dr.pepper
night or day: night
rain or sun: sUn
hOt or cOld: at night cold otherwise HOT baby!!
friends or boyfriend: friends
longterm or shorterm: w.e happens
short or tall: taller then me
darkman or white man: w.e doesnt matter
aol or cox: cOx
what i look 4:
in a friend: wOw friends are serious i dnt consider everyone a friend see i gOt mi bois my girls n then thur is my FRIENDS to b my friend u gotta work you way up n stay up! sOmeone whO is always thUr w3n i need them..
in a guy: well he gotta b down u kno he gotta have his priorities strait i dnt liek guys who always get into trouble and have no education. knO tO treat a girl with RESPECT.
whaT u first lOOK at w3n u see a guy: TEETH!!! gotta b str8 gotta b white
whAts attractive: seriously for some strange reason retainers turn me on i fucking love them i never dated some one with them but i think their awesome but a nice smile is always good
favorite perfume: victorias secret DREAM but for guys CURVE man
favorite jean line: umm so maNi but LEi express and virgin only
jeans or skirt: JEANS
cheerleading or basketball: BASKETBALL
baseball or tV show: baseball unless its the OC
shopping or movies: shopping
rap or rock:...ummm hard to choose but i love rock i can onli listen to some rap i love BOW WOW THO!!!
online or phone: phone
fav gadgets: wtf kinda question is that!!
NOW JUST LOOSE IT...uh uh uh uh uh uh uh

muaHzZ*xOxO* (: Carmen :)
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