Have you Ever...?Played Spin the Bottle?:no Toilet Paper someone's house:no Played Poker with money:no Gone swimming in a white T-shirt:yes been tickled so hard you couldn't talk:yes like someone but never told them:yes went camping:yes had a crush on your broher's friend:i have no brother walk in the rain without an umbrella:all the time told a joke that NObody thought was funny:of course been in a talent show:sorta started laughing at someone's bedtime:maybe a little, sarcasticly of course worn somthing your mom didn't appove of:oof courseee been to a nude beach:nope drank jack daniels:love<333 jack and coke my man cursed in a church:no i try to watch what i say been called a slut for kissing someone:as a joke of course lol burnt yourslef with a curling iron/straightner:hellz ya lol wanted to be a police officer:never dumped someone:i just avoid people when im done been hit on by someone too old:oh yes ew wanted to be a model:eh maybe sometimes but id rather be the photographer bought lottery tickets:yep made out in a car:yep cried during a movie:umm not that i can remember, its only a movie wanted something you couldn't have:of course had sex on the beach:no had the drink sex on the beach:i cant im allergic to a lot of fruit seen someone shoplift:mmmhmm hung up on someone:mmhmmm yelled at you pet:yes bought a thong when the casheir was a guy:idk maybe i never noticed tried to strip when drunk:not for reall, maybe a teasee gotten seasick:i think so had a stalker:yesm played a prank on somone that had them really scared:haha yes been embarassed by one of your family:yep felt bad about eating meat:nope protested:nope been to an island:yep been in love:never ate jus because you were bored:alll the time lol looked at something everybody thought was ugly and said "aww":yepp Screamed in a library:nope Made out with a stranger:yep Been Dumped:nope Wished a part of you was different:sometimes asked a guy to dance:yep been asked out by a really hot guy:sorta laughe so hard ou cried:yep went up to a complete stranger and started talking:yes drunk of course been sunburned:helllz ya kicked a guy in the nuts for being a pervert:mmm just for being annoying threw up in school:welll at college yeah lol ;) recieved an anonymous love letter:nope had to wear something you hated:yes been to a luau:nope say your ex and wanted to kick his ass:nope cursed in front of your parents:yep been in a commerical on tv:not a commerical watched a movie that made you miss your ex:nope been out of the country:yep been honked at by some guy when you were walking down the sidewalk:ew yes won at pool:neverrrrr went to a party where you were the ony sober one:yep went on a diet:tried to at least been lost out to sea:no cheated on your bf:no been cheated on:no tanned topless:nope been attacked by seagulls:nope been searched in an airport:nope been on a plane:yep been pants-ed:nope thown a shoe at someone:yepppppp broke someone's heart:i suppose sung in the shower:hellz ya bought something way too expensive:yes lol done something really stupid that you still laugh about:thats how i roll been walked in on when you were dressing:well i did have 2 roomates ran out of a movie theatre because you were too scared of the movie:i think once with bree been kicked out of the mall:i think so ben mean to someone then instantly wanted to take it back:yepp been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one:yep done something stupid when you were drunk:duh fell off your roof:nooo pretended you were scared so you could cuddle up with someone:all the time had a deer jump in fron of your car:noooo threated someone witha water gun:idk i wouldnt be suprised Can you....Unwrap a starburst with your tounge:ive done it before idk if i still can sing:i think i can when im not embarrassed open your eyes underwater:yeah but i dont like to eat whatever you want and not have to worry:i guesssss but i worry anyway ice skate:sorta sing in front of a crowd:only in a group whistle:yess be a bitch at times:oh yesss do thirty pull ups:probably not lol walkin in really high heals:idk if i wore high heels id be 6 foot or taller so i dont lol eat super spicy foods:im not good at it lol but i do it skateboard:no tricks, but i ride my longboard all the time sleep with the lights on:noooooooooooooo mulititask:yes! touch your nose with your tounge:nope fall asleep easily in the car:depends how tired i am do the cotton eye joe:of course! play ddr and not fall:i dont play lol surf:brees gunna teach me this week fit in your locker:when i had a locker, no they were tooooo small do a split:noo taste the difference between pepsi and coke:yes
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Simple & Sweet... About You*~Basics~*Name (First only)?:bridget Hair Color?:brown Eye Color?:green Height?:5'10 Body Type?:idk average lol *~Favorites~*Animal?:dogs and tigers Drink (Non-Alcoholic)?:lemonade or cherry coke Person?:bree :) Color?:neon green Food?:oh boy habachi rice, quesidillas, steak, calimari Place?:with my friends School Subject?:art duh School?:URI! *~Love Life~*Are you in love?:nooo With who?: Is he/she worth it?: Ever been in love?:nooo With who?: Was he/she worth it?: Are you still friends?: Ever been on a date?:sorta Where?:movies Who paid?:he did *~Religion~*Do you believe in God?:yes Do you believe Jesus is the son of God?:yes What do you think about the day of pentecost?:i dont care Do you act "Christian"?:somewhat i suppose Do your friends know you do or don't believe?:i guess *~Have you ever~*Kissed the opposite sex?:yes lol Gone farther than you should have?:yeahh Been drunk?:yesss Been high?:yesss Been wrongfully blamed?:yep Cried for more than 1 hour?:yes Thrown up in public?:yep Fallen asleep somewhere you shouldn't of?:yeahh *~Are you~*Done with high school?:yepp Gay/Straight?:strraiight Loving?:i suppose Friendly?:hellz ya Emo?:iddd say no Sleepy?:yes Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Heartbroken?:singlee bitchess Hurting?:i guesss
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*10 Things*List 10 Friends...1.:Bree 2.:Jahoda 3.:Margarete 4.:Andrew 5.:Ryan 6.:Doug 7.:Little Dan 8.:Krysta 9.:Noel 10.:Bobby List 9 of Your Favorite Movies...1.:Out Cold 2.:What a girl wants 3.:Boondock Saints 4.:Fear and Lothing 5.:Matrix 6:Hardball 7.:Phantom of the Opera 8.:Dumb and Dumber 9.:Without a Paddle List 8 Favorite Songs...1.:Tears in heaven 2.:Roll to me 3.:Play that funky music white boy 4.:Konstantine 5.:Rescused 6.:Vanus Empty 7.:Right as Rain Part II 8.:Classics of Love List 7 Favorite Bands...1.:Dead Poetic 2.:Amber Pacific 3.:Taking Back Sunday 4.:Funeral for a Friend 5.:He is Legend 6.:Jacks Mannequin 7.:Anberlin List 6 of Your Heroes...1.:Andrew MacMahon is my idol 2.:but my real hero would be Bree 3.:cause she really did save my life 4.:although she may not realize 5.:and all my friends that help me though 6.:all the shit ive been through List 5 People You want to Meet...1.:Andrew MacMahon 2.:Adam Lazzara 3.:Phantom of the Opera 4.:Brandon from Dead Poetic 5.:i already met Matt Young List 4 of Your Favorite things to do...1.:Be with my friends 2.:Drink 3.:Listen to music 4.:sleeepp List 3 of Your Friends that are Boys...1.:Andrew 2.:Jake 3.:Jeremy :D List 2 Of Your Friends that are Girls...1.:Bree 2.:Margy List Your Number 1 Best Friend...1.:Bree
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