Aug 02, 2006 14:10
I am at work processing enrollment packets but i am having a hard time keeping my head on. The tyroid medicine i am on is supposed to help with my exhaustion. So far nothing of interest as far as changes. Oh well i suppose.
Yesterday we had out pre-service meeting for the school. CPS and a gang unit detective came to speak with us about our role in these students lives. I learned that i am a mandatory reporter, meaning while on the clock or otherwise, i am required by law to report suspected abuse. This is in addition to the fact that in general we are advised to avoid public and "questionable" place the students might see us. It doesn't seem to hard to follow through on but i suppose we will see.
My sister finds out in September what sex the baby is. Lets all hope it is a girl. I think she might stop if she has a girl.
At the end of the month the girlies and I are going up to Prescott for a girlfriend getaway. We are getting a 2 room suite with a 5 person jacuzzi. The room will be stocked with soda, cady and popcorn. As well as a full selection of that weeks gossip magazines and a reservation for 3 hours in the resorts limo. It is only for the weekend but it should be fun. We can only do it because it is crazy crazy cheap. Off season and all.
I am getting tired of only ever paying bills. Although it will be nice when they are all paid off and i can just use my money how i want to. Wow that is a ways off. Gross.
I am thinking of getting a motor scooter to get me to work at back during the week once we move to central tucson instead of a block away from my house. I will have to save for it so i might change jobs before i have the money to buy it, not that i am making any job changes anytime soon.
i miss feeling awake.