(no subject)

Apr 21, 2006 16:20

Holy LiveJournal! I havn’t really updated in foreverrr I remeber when I would obsess over this thing and update adleast once day & now I’m lucky if it’s once a month.

So much has happened since i last updated but I can’t fill people in on everything.

One - because there’s simply too much
Two- Old school stuff is unneccessary really
Three- I don’t know who I can actually trust on this thing.

‘Why? Haha because some people I don’t even know read this shit and then gossip about it. Then theres other people on my friends list who are such fucking gossip queens / shit talkers that even they believe their own lies. Unbelievable.

To name a few -- well, not name but to give a few examples on things Me & Dana. Sometimes we’ll stand outside the weight room after school talkin to Kev Kelly cause he alwyays stops us and what not... haha same two girls say shit everytime. JEAL0US CAUSE THEY TALK SHiT 0N Y0U EVERYTiME Y0U WALK BY!?! haha should be though. Everytime it’s like ‘ohh their standing there again - i guess the boys like them. I guess they think they’re cool’ Yeah we are fucking cool. Your fucking whores.

Or maybe how someone I’ve been friends with since last year, that I talk to everyday, and then I call her on the weekend to see what shes doing and Im a Stalker!!! woo hoooo!!!
The girl voluntarily gave me her number and Im a stalker. Sweet stuff. Your ugly.

Boy oh Boy. I would honestly list every person on this thing but then again--unwanted people read it. Both on my friends list and off.

Weekends and what not have been fun. Waterfront ; partying ; drinkingg. Goodd stufff still.

Hrm. My birthday is coming up soon. So is Spring Fling. 21 days til Spring Fling and 23 days till my birthday. Yeah -- ask about it.

Anyways hahahahh I love making fun of this one girl in gym. I know--mean but me and some of my ladiess do it everyday cause shes such an easy target and she thinks shes the shittttt. Yea. Uhm.Nah. && me and dana always make fun of cuddle boyy hahaha fucking loser ass bitchh.

Hrm..letttss seee. the boy scene is looking H0T and NASHTY. be jealoussss.

Schooll is almost over and summer is almost here and I am soo excited for it. I can see it already. Beach days galore. I lovee it.

I think I might hae frequent updates now since I feel like getting back into the LJ scene considering summerr is almost here and I wannaa update and stuff then sooo C0MMENT

Tonighttt----- uhhmm planss!?! Kinda have some though but not quite sure. Maybe I’ll stalk a girl or two. Maybe Me and Dana will be ‘desperate’ and hang out with the wight room boys...You never knowww...

KAy. Byeeeee
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