i didn't steal your boyfriend...

Oct 19, 2006 02:09

wayyyy too much has happened the last few weeks to write about so here is a brief summary :

Friday, 13 October
Worked until 6.15 - It sucked.
Went home & got ready for Ailie's party.
Me & David went a wee drive first, and he dropped me off at Ailies about 8.30 maybe.
Everyone looked amazing :]
Had a nice wee chat with my Leah <3 and to be perfectly honest thats all i remember?
so moving on...

Saturday, 14 October
Ailie woke me up at 11am.
I had no idea where I was, which was a lol
but i then discovered i was in darren's bed and had been sick all over his floor which was nice
so i had an hour to get ready, clean some sick, and get to work.
omg plz.
work was horrible, had to leave the checkout 4 times to be sick :[
and was sick all over the floor haha
but sheila was just laughin at me :]
love her, she would have been pure ragin if i was anyone else :]
Finished at 5.30 :] and got the bus with sheila back to Ailies...
&She filled me in on everythin that i couldn't remember from the night before lol
oh my god.
so we messed about for a while n then got ready n had a few drinks...
skib later joined us and the 3 of us went to Funk :]
we had a few drinks and i got pretty spazzied, pretty fast.
& went home early :]

Sunday, 15 October
Got up at like 8am =[ and packed for LDN last minute plz
David was still drunk from the night before haha and couldnt find his car :]
evvvveeentually he drove us to Glasgow :]
dropped us off at the RADDISSSONNN HOTEL THNX
and we got the TrAiNs t0 LdN
7 fucking hours later...
got to london and went out for fooood =]
early night x

Monday, 16 October
got up and went shopping ALLLLLL day
spent about £400 :]
got loooads of new clothes and make up and crap i dont really need
so that was fun :]
then we went to Chicago, just coz ashlee was in it.
it was actually really gd tho.
she was amazing. i miss her :[
Met her outside afterwards and she signed my tickets and stuff which was nice

Tuesday, 17 October
Got up and went shopping again :]
spent another £200 lol
on more amazzzzing crap :]
& then got the train at 5.15 to Glasgow :] yaay
got to GlAsGoW at like 10.15 and waited for the next train :[
finally got home at like 11.45, and wanted to sleep
but my maw made me show her EVERYTHiNG i bought
which took about 2 weeks.

Wednesday, 18 October
Back to work :[
Highlight Of My Day: Robert slid and falled on his bum :]
i havn't laughed so much... ever.
it made my week.
After work, I went to Morgans with susan, andrea, shelley & alyssa.
it was fun :]
on the way home we sang gabrielle haha
stopped at susans and had a spider crisis.
& then eventually back to my house for a while when they decided to go ice skatin tomoro?
lol i think i'll pass thx :]

Tomorrow, I'm looking forward to meetin Mr David Forster for lunch, and Miss Leanne McConnachie after work.

omg bed time :]
love you all, each and every single one of you.

ailie is pregnant.
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