Oct 21, 2005 22:41
i am such a terrible person. and i cant stop thinking about this. i mean, all i've been doing is crying, and thinking.. and crying a little more.
just why cant things be clear? why do things have to be so vague and confusing.
i miss my past sometimes. i think of memories and wish i could go back to them at times. i'm happy where i'm at, but god, i'd change certain things in my life if i could go back and do so.
i miss my little sister. she'll be three on november 8th. i can't wait to see her. she said I Love You for the first time the other day to me. i mean she talks and stuff, but whenever anyone said "i love you" to her, she never really understood it and wouldn't respond, well she responded the other day when i talked to her on the phone. she's incredible and i love her more than anything.
well, probably gonna go take a bath. i need it. i need to just relax and stop thinking , which ill probably end up doing anyways in there.