Dec 05, 2005 16:07
ThiS WeEkEnD hAs BeEn So CrAzZzY!
craziest thing ever to wake up sunday morning to hear someone *SHOVELING SNOW*..! it was pretty sick :) its sopposed to snow again tonight but i . h i g h l y . d o u b t . schools will be closed, it'd be good to sleep all day though :\ soo im pretty happy i was able to go to the mall this weekend a couple times && look around for gifts, im so excited for secret santa && seeing my sister, i miss her soo much-shes been in boston with her boyfriend-it'll be nice to see them around the holidays.<3.
my house bLows -> we have *NO* decorations up yet, no christmas tree, && no lights -> s0o in the holiday spirit :P i was just thinking, is anyone having a new years eve party? hmm.. s0o friday's going to be SaHh*WeEt in the city! with the snow && everything im going to have a blast, it'll be AmAzInG.<3. i live for winter like crazy, i <3 it so much.. especially december, i <3 DeCeMbEr - the weather, $hopping, music, *EVERYTHING* :) i know i sound like a faggot, but it puts me in suchhhh a gooooddd moooddd :P
generally, i had a good weekend, i got to see a certain someone.. even though im a nervous wreck constantly :| hMm well things are going slow, but i guess it'll be fun to see where it goes && what happens ;)
much love<3
comment :)
"the winter snow && everything thats in between
..this year im gonna take you home
..this year i dont wanna be alone
..this year *tHiS ChRiStMaS ToGeThEr*<3"