Jun 22, 2004 01:14
yes yes, today i woke up around 11:30 to find the lovely Kimberly getting ready to leave bc she had a job interveiw at ..the "Nursing home" aw how sweet then i fell back asleep and woke up at 2 and took a 40 min shower then i fell asleep and woke up and 3:30 and got ready...
Matthew "Costanova" came and picked me up around 5:30 and we headed to Mikes house for practice.. yeah some practice Pat wasnt even there sadly he had to work untill 9 then after practice Mike had sumthing to do so we left...
so0o Matt and i, headed to his house and chilled for a bit, and man he really wore me OUT!! lol jp.. yeah so we were there till around 9:30 and then we "dipped" to Mikes
When we got there i was the Beautiful Brittany who i do love, and we all jzt relaxed for a while and i got home around 10:30 or so0o
then around 11 sumthing..Pat and Mr sexy..aka..Phillips..aka..Carl...aka..ERIC came over and we had a number of topics of speech come up one was my plans for tomorrow which is ...READY.. CATFISHING... ha yeah.Strange rright?? i know.. yep! Eric i really do love you.. thanx for being nice to my Bro!! oh yeah this one goes out to HUBB CITY!!! jp
well im out for now