Writer's Block: Grimm Question

Jun 04, 2009 20:11

in which this post became a wankstorm

writer's block

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xovershadowedx July 6 2009, 03:14:39 UTC
Actually, I never intended to start an argument, so lets just make that clear first off.

As far as I'm concerned, you're doing that out of the goodness of your heart. You have no right to say anything when something hits the internet and made public. You want credit for things 99% of said internet does on a daily basis. I have friends, who do the exact same thing you do, and they never ask for credit.

Now, don't get me wrong, i'm not saying you have absolutely no right not to ask for credit. How about saying, "You know, credit would be nice. I did pay some money for that scan." You however, have no reason to make mean comments about my friends for not crediting you. As I am far beyond positive you're not the only one scanning them.

In fact, i'm sure by the fact that Inu used your scans she's giving you acknowledgment. And I'm sure if myself and My friends were in your position, well I might be a bit bummed, I wouldn't be an ass to them.

Oh, and I care because, well. I seem to care about my friends by not leaving them snarky comments. (:


lunchy July 6 2009, 03:30:09 UTC
She's been my friend for more than two years. She should know better, end of story.

I have every right to request credit. It says on the credits page for the scans that credit is necessary. If she doesn't follow the rules that Mankin-Trad puts out, she is not allowed to use the scans. It's very simple, really. She's more than welcome to use the medium quality scans that are out there, and she knows that. However, she chooses to use mine. Because of that, she needs to credit.

Now, you best be minding your own business. This doesn't concern you, friend or not.


xovershadowedx July 6 2009, 03:37:33 UTC
I believe there's a saying that goes like this, Quality, not Quantity. You may have been her friend for two years, and I may have been her friend for far less. But I seem to be able to not snap on her for silly reasons.

And sorry, but just because rules are on one website, doesn't mean people have to follow them. Free world and such (Though I hear the internet is rather communist these days). Seriously, what are you going to do? Stop her from accessing a site?

Also, by bringing yourself to my journal has made it so you have indeed, concerned me. By being an insufferable little brat to my friend, has concerned me. I will not stand for people being dicks to my friends and having the nerve to believe that they can get away with it.

While Inu might stand for your shit, I will not.


lunchy July 6 2009, 04:02:49 UTC
Obviously, you are someone with no morals if you cannot grasp such a simple concept. It blows my mind, honestly.

My boyfriend is the webmaster. I have almost as much control as he does. If I desired to ban Inu from the site, I very well could. I don't because she's my friend. Every site has rules, just as Livejournal as a TOS, so does Mankin-Trad.

You shouldn't jump to conclusions about our friendship. Friends fight. Friends make up. I've been here for her through some of her worst times. I'll be damned if you're going to belittle that. Don't talk about things you have absolutely no knowledge of.

I came to your journal out of respect for Inu, and I am apparently unable to send you a PM. Inu gets upset when people fight in her journal. You should have thought of that before commenting. Why else would you have said anything if you weren't out for some wank?

I am not a brat for asking for something basic like credit and recognition. You, someone who cannot understand that, is simply an ungrateful little shit. I sincerely hope that you are not part of the Shaman King fandom and that you do not receive your scanlations from Mankin-Trad. That would only make YOU look like the "insufferable brat".

Show me that you're the bigger person by not replying.


drivebywizard July 6 2009, 04:31:12 UTC
Can I reply then? If we're playing the "who knows Inu better game," I've known her for over five years. Do I win? Huh huh?

But honestly, before anything-- I should let you know Inu has nothing to do with this discussion on xovershadowedx's journal, so if you feel like it's a good idea to direct your anger towards her because her friends are defending her (which just must be horrible), then you really need to re-think your morals.

You do realize the internet isn't within the grasp of your hands, correct? It doesn't matter if you ban Inu from your site. She can easily get a hold of your scans on the dozens of other scantran sites out there. You think people are going to listen just because you ask for credit on a page no one bothers to look at after they finish reading a chapter? No. In fact, the anime/manga community looks down on groups that demand credit in such a way.

Funny how you say you came here out of respect for Inu, yet you scowl at her because her friends have, oh, an opinion.

No one said you are a brat for wanting credit and recognition. How you came upon such an assumption, I do not know. It's the fact you are not asking for it, but rather demanding it, and threatening to not let anyone use said-scans if they don't credit you. I myself am also part of the scantran group, and we do not force anyone to provide credit, because we are working to make fans happy and nothing more. The way you act will not earn you any sort of recognition. If anything, it will only earn you a fowl reputation in the anime/manga community.


drivebywizard July 6 2009, 04:31:37 UTC
oops forgot my ANGRY icon


drivebywizard July 6 2009, 04:33:40 UTC
I myself am also part of the scantran group

OOPS AGAIN. Meant to say "a group."


xovershadowedx July 6 2009, 04:42:03 UTC
You know, not one time in that argument have I or you, attempt to be the "bigger person". Why start now? Just because you tell me not to reply doesn't mean it's going to solve anything if I don't, nor does it mean that if you I do, I'm an immature moron.

So let me step up a notch here.

Clearly you have some personal issues if you're getting worked up over a misuse of an image that's, oops! Not even yours to begin with!

The bottom line is that you're hurting your friend's feelings over a forum avatar. Seems kinda retarded to me, unless you don't take your friend very seriously.

You claim to have come out of respect for Inu, yet how did you do that? You looked down upon her, demanding that she give you credit for and image, which once again, isn't even yours to begin with! Sure. You bought it. You scanned it. But you didn't draw it, you didn't sell it. You didn't even come up with the damn idea of it now did you?

I honestly don't even know why you can't send me a PM. Thats LJ's problem, not mine. Just so you can't hold that over my head as 'I'm avoiding you'.


xovershadowedx July 6 2009, 04:43:05 UTC
If you I do.

I meant if I do.


xovershadowedx July 6 2009, 03:53:35 UTC
As another note:

How dare you hurt Inu because I have a conscience.

How dare you think Inu has control over my actions. I'm no ones pawn, and you owe her an apology for treating us like one person.


(The comment has been removed)

xovershadowedx July 6 2009, 04:14:22 UTC


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