Went surprisingly well. I was out three full days ahead of time, and excepting a mishap where I threw away my mp3 player, cell headphone, and two chargers, there was no horrible chaos or distress.
And I am firmly convinced in my little world that Jo? Is gonna become the Little Sister. Which is annoying in it's own way, but less so than a craptastic doomed love thing. (Particularly because Dean does not seem at all interested in her That Way.)
They really do seem very sibling-like to me. Particularly the way they interact in the Director's Cut thing from the next ep, and the LOOK on Sam's face. (Actually, if she does turn out related, I foresee loads and loads of jealous 'he's MY BROTHER' Sam-bitchyface, which has tremendous potential to be funny as all hell.)
And I am firmly convinced in my little world that Jo? Is gonna become the Little Sister. Which is annoying in it's own way, but less so than a craptastic doomed love thing. (Particularly because Dean does not seem at all interested in her That Way.)
They really do seem very sibling-like to me. Particularly the way they interact in the Director's Cut thing from the next ep, and the LOOK on Sam's face. (Actually, if she does turn out related, I foresee loads and loads of jealous 'he's MY BROTHER' Sam-bitchyface, which has tremendous potential to be funny as all hell.)
Sam's bitchyface is a thing to be dreamed of.
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