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nopseud April 22 2006, 20:47:11 UTC
Pete Doherty is just too fucking stupid to be attractive. Getting arrested for drugs possession THREE HOURS after you just narrowly managed to avoid getting sent to prison for, um, drugs possession is epically moronic. I mean, seriously. At least give it a day or two and make it look very slightly less like you're mocking the magistrate.

"significant signs of compliance and effort", eh? Yeah, not so much.


xoverau April 22 2006, 20:54:26 UTC
As I don't have to marry him or bail him out, I am blissfully immune to all reason regarding him. He is all gamine and creamy-skinned and fluffyhaired with inch-long eyelashes and a red-pillowed mouth and he kisses boys and dresses like a girl and even thinking about him rends my reason.

...yeah, just waiting around for it to pass may be the best option.


nopseud April 22 2006, 21:12:32 UTC
Rank stupidity just is a complete attraction killer for me. It's like chronic halitosis, only it can make me gag even via a computer screen.

...yeah, just waiting around for it to pass may be the best option.

You need something else to think about, that's what you need. {cough}writemoreMMfic{cough}


xoverau April 22 2006, 21:19:32 UTC
I dunno, man. Drugs are weird. I was busted by a state antidrug task force, searched, threatened with dogs, patted down, and lectured by a couple of plainclothes agents, and I was getting high ten minutes after they dropped me off. I don't consider myself dumb as a rule, just, er--impaired under certain conditions.

Ah, youth.


nopseud April 22 2006, 21:34:43 UTC
He could at least have gone home and got a friend to bring the drugs round. Driving around London WITH drugs, when every policeman in the country both knows your famous and distinctive face and will be looking for any excuse to stop any car you're in, that's still pretty damn stupid.


xoverau April 22 2006, 22:00:19 UTC
Did I mention I was doing the drugs at a friend's house, whose father was also a dealer under surveillance by the very agency that dropped us off, who had a whole basement full of drugs? I think I tend to cut people a lot more slack than they deserve when they're addicts, because seriously. THEY MAKE YOU STUPID.

Of course, I've done some of the dumbest things in my life when sober. Hi, lousy roommate and credit card debt! :)

Anywhoo, show me something pretty!


nopseud April 22 2006, 22:20:43 UTC
Anywhoo, show me something pretty!

Okay. Here's something:

... )


xoverau April 22 2006, 22:26:35 UTC
Okay, that is pretty. *ogle*

(It's scary. The more I think about it, I made almost no stupid choices while on drugs! All of the life-ruining ones were thought out, and all the fun ones were spontaneously committed at five AM after a bowl of opium, eleven Zimas, and one of my mates saying "d'you ever wonder whatt'dhappen if..." Dammit. *makes note, 'go back on drugs'*)


nopseud April 22 2006, 22:39:09 UTC
Okay, that is pretty. *ogle*

It's it, though? I am definitely looking forward to the new Bond film.

*makes note, 'go back on drugs'*

Just remember not to become a celebrity with 275914981 photographers and the entire Metropolitan police force trailing you first. :-)


xoverau April 22 2006, 22:42:36 UTC
Just remember not to become a celebrity with 275914981 photographers and the entire Metropolitan police force trailing you first.

You know, I'm glad you warned me. That was a very real possibility.


nopseud April 22 2006, 22:48:00 UTC
One of the many reasons not to achieve fame. Although I do always really like the look of the bags of free stuff they get. Hmm...


xoverau April 22 2006, 22:51:23 UTC
Done in by the SWAG!

(He's still cuter than a baby squirrel butt. I would dearly love to be able to move on. *wistful* Why must they always be so unsuitable? Why can't I go for any nice boys anymore?)


nopseud April 22 2006, 22:56:31 UTC
Why can't I go for any nice boys anymore?

{offers you Joey}


xoverau April 22 2006, 23:01:27 UTC
He's married, though! *facepalm* That would make me not nice.


nopseud April 22 2006, 23:20:31 UTC
That's the problem with the nice boys -- someone else already snapped them up. :-)


xoverau April 22 2006, 23:23:42 UTC
That explains it. *resorts to girls*


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