(no subject)

Apr 17, 2006 15:32

First, meme! From astaria51.

Have you ever...

[x] Flown in an airplane
[x] Been to a concert
[x] Been in a mosh pit
[x] Been crowd surfing
[x] Drank alcohol
[x] Been Drunk
[x] Done drugs
[x] Been high
[x] Smoked
[x] Had sex

Total [10]

[x] Had sex in a public place (if we're using the Clinton def...)
[x] Kissed someone/ done anything sexual with at least one person present
[x] Had detention
[ ] Been suspended
[x] Cried in school
[x] Thrown up in school
[x] Argued with a teacher
[ ] Played on a sports team
[x] Changed school (Besides elementary school to middle school, middle school to high school, etc.)
[x] Lived in more than 10 houses

Total [8] = 18

[x] Lived with anyone other than your parents
[ ] Lived in more than 2 states
[x] Celebrated your 14th birthday
[x] Celebrated your 16th birthday
[x] Celebrated your 18th birthday
[ ] Been to France
[ ] Been to Spain
[ ] Been to Germany
[ ] Been to Mexico
[x] Been to Canada

Total [5] = 23

[ ] Been to Hawaii
[ ] Been to Alaska
[x] Been to Florida
[x] Been to California
[ ] Been to New York
[x] Thrown up on someone
[x] Been in the hospital
[x] Sang in front of a crowd
[ ] Had/Have more than 100 Myspace friends
[ ] Had/have more than 500 Myspace friends

Total [5] = 28

[ ] Had/have more than 1,000 Myspace friends
[x] Made out at the movies
[x] Had more than 5 bf/gfs
[x] Made out with someone older than you
[x] Made out with someone younger than you
[x] Been on the computer for more than 10 hours
[x] Watched TV for more than 10 hours
[x] Bought Porn
[x] Watched Porn
[x] Made Porn (define made...)

Total [9] = 37

[x] Listened to one song for over 2 hours
[x] Gone more than 24 hours without food
[x] Gone more than 24 hours without sleep
[x] Seen someone/something die
[x] Killed someone/something
[x] Watched a real baby be born
[x] Moved out of your hometown before the age of 18
[x] Made all A's
[x] Made an F on your report card
[ ] Been called a prep

Total [9] = 46

[x] Downloaded free music
[x] Done anything illegal
[x] Lied to a friend
[x] Found out a friend lied to you
[x] Stolen something
[x] Seen someone steal something
[x] Been held at gunpoint
[x] Known someone who was held at gunpoint
[x] Been to court
[ ] Attempted suicide

Total [9] = 55

[x] Cut yourself on purpose (Not cut, per se, but whatever.)
[x] Cut yourself and someone saw it
[x] taken more than 20 pictures of yourself at one time
[x] Gotten in the car with someone you just met
[x] Gone up to a complete stranger and started talking to them
[ ] Been skiing/snowboarding
[x] Visited a mental hospital
[ ] Been admitted into a mental hospital
[x] Gone on a date
[x] Been on vacation for more than a month

Total [8] = 63

[x] Driven a car
[x] Driven a car alone
[x] Driven a car illegally
[x] Skipped class
[ ] Been through 3 or more divorces
[x] Been to a party
[x] Thrown a party
[ ] Had a brother
[ ] Had a sister
[x] Stayed at a friends house for more than 1 night in a row

Total [7] = 70

[x] Kissed a stranger
[x] Slept outside
[x] Cried because of a song
[x] Written a song
[x] Sang a song that you wrote, in front of people
[x] Written a story
[x] Gotten an award for a story you've written
[x] Written a poem
[x] Been backstabbed by a freind
[x] Been blown off

Total [10] = 80

[x] Hung out with someone you're not supposed to
[x] Made a movie
[ ] Been in a real movie
[x] Been on TV
[x] Been in the newspaper
[x] Been told you were too fat
[x] Been told you were too skinny
[x] Liked someone and never told them
[x] Been in love
[x] Liked a teacher

Total [9] = 89

[x] Ran a mile
[x] Tripped up the stairs
[x] Seen fireworks
[x] Almost died
[x] Been abused
[x] Had stitches
[ ] Been arrested (I'm...wow. I'm shocked I can say no to this. I've been handcuffed and searched after being chased down

by a police dog, does that count?)
[x] Got your tongue stuck to a pole
[x] Been cussed out by someone
[x] Been cussed out by an adult

Total [9] = 98

[x] Been called stupid
[x] Lost more than $50
[ ] Spent more than $50 on a pair of pants
[x] Cried yourself to sleep
[x] Laughed yourself to sleep
[x] Mooned someone
[x] Eaten sushi
[x] Been to your Bf/Gf's house when their parents weren't there
[ ] Been stuffed into a locker
[x] Been thrown into a pool

Total [8] = 106

[x] Met someone famous
[x] Been in a play
[x] Been picked last in gym class
[ ] Been picked first in gym class
[x] Had a serious conversation on AIM
[ ] Had a myspace
[x] Typed out something really long and then lost it all
[x] Been so scared you couldn't sleep
[x] Had absolutely no friends
[x] Used someone

Total [8] = 114

[x] Been used
[ ] Cheated on a Bf/Gf
[x] Been cheated on
[x] Been horseback riding
[x] Felt like dying
[x] Been swimming in the ocean
[x] Been in public in your pajamas
[x] Wanted to be a model
[ ] Been asked out by someone you liked, but said no because of what people would think
[x] Been skateboarding

Total [8] = 122

[x] Had a cell phone
[x] Made fun of someone
[x] Spilled something all over your brand new outfit
[x] Grabbed a guy/girl's private
[ ] Been Raped
[x] Owned more than $500 dollars at one time
[x] Had a deep converstation with someone that you really liked
[x] Ridden the bus to school
[ ] Typed more than 100 words per minute
[x] Been naked in front of someone

Total [8] = 130

[x] Driven more than 100 miles in one day
[x] Had a job
[x] Applied for a job
[ ] Taken a pregancy test
[ ] Been pregnant
[ ] Had a baby
[ ] Known someone with the same birthday as you
[x] Hated someone
[x] Forgiven someone who did something really bad to you
[ ] Spit on someone

Total [5] = 135

[x] Had a crush on a neighbor
[ ] Ran away from home
[x] Been chased by the police
[x] Played an instrument
[x] Been in a fist fight
[x] Played spin the bottle
[x] Been in a talent show
[x] Burnt yourself
[x] Dumped someone
[ ] Been dumped

Total [8] = 143

[x] Bought a lottery ticket
[x] Rolled someone's house
[x] Worn something after you mom told you not to
[x] Played a prank on someone
[x] Gotten carsick
[x] Stalked someone
[x] Broken someone's heart
[x] Been searched at the airport
[x] Thrown a shoe at someone
[x] Had to go the the emergency room

Total [10] = 153

[x] Been told to leave the mall
[x] Been so drunk you threw up
[x] Been so drunk you passed out
[x] Laid in a tanning bed.
[x] Touched your nose with your tongue
[ ] Had braces
[ ] Weighed more than 30 pounds under what you're supposed to for your height
[x] Weighed more than 30 pounds over what you're supposed to for your height
[x] Sang Karaoke
[ ] Gone a week without taking a shower

Total [7]

Complete total: 160

170-200: You're a bad kid
150-169: You'll do almost anything
120-149: You're crazy
100-119: You're getting to be on the wild side
70-99: You're probably pretty fun to hang out with
50-69: You pretty much stick by the rules
0-49: Goody Goody, you never do anything wrong

Second, my cat had his nuts cut today and, according to the vet, is doing well. Where 'well' includes 'having no nuts'.

Third, is no one talking about Reichen's OMG-Lance-is-my-boyfriend blog? Good! Because that means you're all ignoring Perez Hilton. AS YOU SHOULD.

Happy post-Easter, y'all.
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