Getting to be that time again...

Oct 11, 2012 12:42

I've been getting a lot of PMs about this, so after some deliberations about whether it was feasible with our schedules, we think we can do this again... as long as people are still up for it (fingers crossed), and up for a pushed-back time frame.

I'm still going through notes from last time, dusting off the spreadsheets and tying up loose ends (you know who you are, gah), so look for more finalized info next week or so.

2012 Schedule
Nomination Period: October 16-23
Sign-Up Period: October 24-November 1
Assignments Out: November 12
Fics Due: January 26
Posting Period: January 28th-TBD (depends on number of stories)

We're simplifying the sign-up form this year, but you can still start planning your prompts the same way you did last year; it'll be really easy to edit your info into the new format when sign-ups open.

Teen Wolf, Once Upon a Time, and Avengers movie-verse (as a single fandom) are definitely being added this year, as well as whatever other ones we can fit in after the nomination process. We won't really have time to do promoting this year, so tell your friends and get excited.

exchange: fall12, !modpost

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