The End!

Dec 14, 2011 19:49

We have a couple more stories on the way, but in the rules I said that you’d be able to repost starting on December 12th. So, go-ahead!

This round was AMAZING. With 77 fics covering 41 fandoms in over 70 different combinations and all of them great stories, this round has been fantastic!!

As in most exchanges, the heroes were the wonderful pinch-hitters. A round of applause for: hobbit_eyes, jaune_chat, brighteyed_jill, sentientcitizen, snoozing_kitten, mistokath13, tellshannon815, be_themoon and perdiccas.

And as always, huge heaping praise for perdiccas, who is the best co-mod ever and an all-around amazing human being. ♥♥♥♥

Anyway, that’s it! Catch up on any stories you may have missed (I'll be reading over the holidays). Feel free to repost your stories on other comms, on your journals, wherever. If you haven’t thanked your writer yet, please do so now!

I'm going to figure out how to make a collection on AOOO and will make a follow-up post soon in case anyone wants to archive!

exchange: fall11, !modpost

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