(Bones/Leverage) Fostered Friendships for ella_bee

Dec 09, 2011 12:23

Title: Fostered Friendships
Author: ciaimpala
Fandoms: Bones/Leverage
Characters Brennan, Booth; Parker, Hardison, Elliot, Nate
Pairings: n/a
Rating: PG13
Word count: 1,628
Spoilers: none
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: Bones and Leverage belong to their respective creators
A/N: Thanks to jacquelin825 for the beta.

Summary: Parker and Brennan were both in the same foster home when they were children. Now they meet again over a case of a murderer killing foster children.

“You ok, Bones?” Booth asked, face creased in concern, entering her office and perching on her desk.

“I’m fine, Booth,” Brennan insisted, adding a note to the file in front of her. She paused, the pencil resting next to a list of names. “I just need to go over the forensics again.”

“You’ve been over them fifteen times in the last twelve hours,” Booth sighed, moving closer, and gently sliding the papers aside. “You need to take a break.”

“I can’t, Booth.” Grabbing the papers back, Brennan picked up another file. “All the data is here, I just need to go over it again.”

“You can admit this is personal, Bones.” Reaching over, Booth laid his finger next to the first photograph on the paper. “She was in the foster care system.” He moved his finger down one photograph. “She was in the foster care system.” He continued moving his finger from photograph to photograph, five photographs in all. “They were all in the foster care system. Just like you were.”

“This can’t be personal, as while they are dead, I am alive.” Scooping up the paperwork, Brennan moved towards the lab, to stand over the female skeleton laid out on the table. “Nor do I have a murderer following me on the streets, waiting for the right time to hit me in the head with a round metal object that has a 3 inch circumference and a textured end.”

“Are you worried he’ll come after you?” Booth asked quickly, having followed her to the table. “Because you know I won’t let that happen.”

“I’m not worried about that, but thank you Booth.” Offering up a small smile, Brennan bent over the remains.

“Are you worried about someone you knew? From when you were in the system?” Booth adjusted his position to meet Brennan’s eyes. “You can tell me, Bones.”

“There was a girl,” Brennan admitted softly, moving a magnifier over a small section of bone. “She and I would talk sometimes. She was very smart, though not like me. She was quite good at figuring out all the doors and windows of the building we were in. This enabled us to escape from homes we didn’t like. We would go on walks, then she would sneak us back in.”

“What happened to her?”

“I don’t know.” Brennan moved the magnifier back and forth over the same small section of skull. “We ended up in different foster homes after a while. It’s hard to keep in touch with someone when you’re constantly moving.”

“Excuse me, Agents Hagen and Thomas.” A blonde in a pantsuit strode up to the lab, waving a card, the beeping indicating she could enter. An African-American man followed right behind, also in a suit. “We-“ She suddenly stopped short, her gaze falling on Brennan’s astonished face. “We have to go. Turn around, turn around.” She muttered the final four words to the man with her, who, face scrunched up in confusion, began to follow her.

“Wait!” Brennan called, hurrying down the stairs, grabbing onto the woman’s shoulder.

“What’s going on?” Booth asked, just as confused as the supposed other agent.

“This woman’s name is definitely not Hagen,” Brennan stated, and she stepped in front of the blonde. “Her name is Parker. Unless she got married, and changed her last name. Did she marry you?” Brennan bluntly asked the man accompanying Parker. “But then your name would need to be Hagen.”

“What’s going on?” Booth repeated, staying close by Brennan’s side.

“This woman’s name is Parker,” Brennan said, keeping a hand on Parker’s arm as she turned to face Booth. “And she’s the one I was in foster care with.”

“I promise, this can all be explained,” Agent Thomas, now known as Hardison, protested, as Booth handcuffed him and Parker to Brennan’s desk.

“I’m sure it can,” Booth said sternly, looming over them. “Impersonating an agent is a very serious offense.”

“The handcuffs are really quite unnecessary, Booth,” Brennan said, sitting down in her chair, her eyes never leaving Parker’s face.

“Thank you,” Hardison said definitively, shooting a glare at Booth.

“Parker could quite easily pick the locks on them before you could stop her,” Brennan continued, matter-of-factly.

“Thank you!” Parker exclaimed gleefully, grinning at Brennan. “That’s a really nice thing to say.” She glanced down at her wrists, shaking the cuffs experimentally. “These are a really old model of handcuffs, anyway. You at least need the Peerless Model 801.”

“Booth is convinced that he is enough to stop you from escaping,” Brennan chimed in. “Getting better handcuffs would be an affront to his masculinity.”

“Hey, right here!” Booth complained, pointing at himself.

“I can see that, Booth,” Brennan answered, and Parker laughed.

“We have our own Booth,” Hardison said with a grin. The grin faded slightly as he glanced around. “I’m surprised he hasn’t made an appearance yet to resc---”

“Were our clients even read their rights?” A female voice, thick with a British accent, sounded at the door, and a woman in a perfectly-tailored pantsuit and white silk shirt strode in, followed by two men, one of whom was clearly glaring in Booth’s direction.

“They were impersonating federal agents!” Booth protested, moving to block their view of Parker and Hardison. This action caused the second man to move in, until he was directly in Booth’s face.

“Elliot, it’s okay,” Hardison said softly.

“I used to go to the mall with her,” Parker chimed in cheerfully, gesturing with her head at Brennan.

“That is quite true,” Brennan acknowledged. “We bought our first bras together.”

All the men’s attention was suddenly on the two girls. Sophie sighed, settling down into the nearest chair. “Why don’t we just tell each other exactly what’s going on,” she suggested, crossing her legs, “and take it from there.”

“So, you see, we’re working the same case here,” Sophie concluded, leaning forward. “We’re all on the same side.”

“Except we’re legally and governmentally sanctioned to be doing this,” Booth said sternly, arms crossed over his chest, “and you all are some rogue group running a con.”

“Call it what you will, but we’ve gotten far closer to the murderer than you have,” Sophie said matter-of-factly, shrugging her shoulders as she settled back into her chair.

“She has a point, Booth,” Brennan said, spreading the photographs out in front of them again. “We need more. This lab could solve this case, but it would take at least another day. The killer has a pattern which tells us he’ll be killing again tonight.”

“I still don’t like this plan.” Booth pressed his arms even tighter together. “In fact, I hate this plan.”

“It’s very sweet of you to be concerned,” Sophie said with a smile, laying her hand on Booth’s shoulder. “But trust me, we’ve run more dangerous plans than this.”

“Everyone in position?” Nate’s voice came over the earbuds placed carefully and discreetly in everyone’s ears.

“In position and still not liking this,” Booth muttered, and Hardison nodded next to him.

“Welcome to my world,” Hardison sighed, typing furiously on one of three laptops hooked up in the back of the non-descript van.

“So we should be looking like we’re chatting about something, correct?” Brennan asked, as her and Parker strolled along the side street, jackets pulled tight against the cold.

“Right, because we’re former foster kids, and this guy likes to kill former foster kids,” Parker nodded, then shrugged. “I really suck at this part of a con.”

“Me, too,” Brennan said, then shook her head. “Not that I have been part of a con like this before. Though Booth and I have gone undercover. But I have never really understood the point of small talk.”

“Finally, someone who understands that!” Parker exclaimed happily, earning a smile from Brennan. Smiling back, Parker added a little skip to her step, but her voice grew quieter. “You were really the only one who understood me, even a little, back then.”

“You were the same for me,” Brennan said, voice also soft, as she stared straight ahead. “Perhaps, if neither of us is dead at the end of this, you would like to get some coffee? There’s a diner nearby my team always goes to.”

“If we’re both alive, let’s do it,” Parker agreed, a shy smile playing at the corner of her lips. Any further conversation was quickly halted as the two women picked up on the rapid footsteps quickly gaining on them as they headed into an alley.

“On my way!” Elliot and Booth yelled at the same time, but as they rounded the turn into the alley, it was to find Brennan flipping the perpetrator over her shoulder, setting him in perfect position for Parker to snap-kick him into unconsciousness.

“Way to take my job, Parker,” Elliot said, but he was grinning proudly, slapping her on the back before he knelt down to double-check that the man was out cold.

“Unleashing the rage there, huh, Bones?” Booth asked with a grin, squeezing her shoulder before taking out his handcuffs and snapping them on the man’s wrists.

“We made a good team there,” Brennan said, shooting Parker a glance, and Parker nodded, a smile spreading across her face. Brennan smiled back, and then Hardison’s voice came after the intercom.

“I sure hope you’re inviting the rest of us to this diner, because you know hackers need a constant source of caffeine,” he said.

“All that sitting and typing really wears you out, huh?” Elliot called back with a laugh, and Hardison jumped out of the back of the van, jokingly chasing Elliot down the street.

“They’re going the wrong way anyway,” Brennan confided to Parker, and both women laughed as they began their way towards the diner.


-Brennan and Parker were in the foster system together. They run into each other while the Leverage team is on a job.
-Brennan, Parker friendship (gen)
-girls being kick-ass / bad-ass
-old friends

exchange: fall11, rating: g/pg/pg13, fandom: bones, fandom: leverage

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