Title: Chasing Shadows and Champagne
aurillyFandoms: Alias/Lost
Characters: Sark; Sun, cameo by Sayid
Pairings: Sun/Sark
Rating: R
Word count: 4,260
Spoilers: Through S4 (slightly AU) of Lost and S2 of Alias
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Alias and Lost belong to their respective creators
A/N: Because you once told me the world needed more badass Sun
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I'm so glad because you commented on all the parts I had the most fun writing even though they were random, like the travelling and the crossbows (not sure where that came from) and Sark's bizarre efforts at flirting (in my head, he's really socially maladjusted when he tries to be real). And I'm glad you liked the ending; I initially was going to have it be all canonical, but then I fell for the pairing too much and wanted to give her a happy ending. Sun deserved better! She deserved Sark. :)
Anyway, this was super fun to write despite being terrified about writing Sun (she's just as hard as Juliet). And you know me: Sayid can't help but pop up, but I told myself he made sense here since he was all spy-ish in canon, too. Plus I know how you like people to be all beaten up followed by some hurt/comfort, and who better to do that to Sark than Sayid? ;)
So happy you liked it! ♥♥♥♥♥♥
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