(Bones/SPN) Tale of Bears, Bones and Bullets for partly

Nov 21, 2010 22:45

Title: Tale of Bears, Bones and Bullets
Author: towel_lord
Fandoms: Bones/Supernatural
Characters: Brennan and Booth; Dean and Sam
Pairings: none
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 3400
Spoilers: Slight for season 4 of Bones
Warnings: Violence and swearing
Disclaimer: Neither Bones nor Supernatural belong to me, they are property of Fox, WB and their creators.
A/N: Big thank you to my Beta reader daroos by the far the best and most helpful beta I’ve ever had!

Summary: On their way to what should be an easy job in a quiet small town Booth and Brennan find themselves thrown into something wholly supernatural.

The black sedan’s breaks screeched; rubber skidded across the tarmac leaving a trail behind. It came to a rough stop and the driver shakily let go of the steering wheel, knuckles returning to their natural colour instead of death-grip white.

“Bones, you okay?” He looked over at the woman in the passenger seat. She was sweeping her hair from her face, her pale blue eyes wide as she quickly calmed herself down. “Bones?” He prompted again.

“I’m fine. What was that?” She turned in her seat, undoing her belt as she did.

It wasn’t the quickly swerving and breaking which had rattled the two, it was what they’d seen. Behind them on the tree lined road a giant bear, well over fifteen feet tall, reared onto its back legs and let out a bellow.

“It looks like a brown bear, but I never thought they could get that big.” He glanced back and saw it drop to its forelegs before loping towards the car. Booth didn’t think twice before he quickly got the car careening back down the road and away from the bear.
“That thing has to be a record.” Booth laughed awkwardly. Brennan turned back to face her partner. If she had watched the bear for another minute she’d have seen two young men emerge from the same woods the bear had, shotguns in their hands.

One of the young men, the taller of the two, held his gun up and shot - a barrage of shrapnel, gunpowder and rock salt exploded onto the bear’s shoulder. It screamed in pain and took off into the trees on the opposite side of the road. As it crossed into the shadows it doubled over and shrunk quickly, leaving a tanned skinned woman with long dark hair running naked through the woods, clutching her shoulder.

The two men stopped momentarily, slightly put off by the transformation, before following after her.

A small town sheriff stood back and observed as Brennan picked up and examined a series of bones.

“Judging from the bleaching of the bone I’d say these are old remains. She was a young, in her early twenties and most likely Native American in origin.” Brennan carefully replaced the complete skull onto the metal lab table.

“How can you tell all that?” The sheriff seemed skeptical. He was an older man, but he seemed to have kept himself in decent shape. He was generally distrustful of forensic evidence - for someone who had never liked high school science it was hard to believe sometimes.

Brennan looked up at him, a slight scowl in response to the interruption. “Bone markers on the skull, width of pelvic bone and others.” She gestured to the jaw bone which sat in front of the skull.

The man nodded slowly, as if he understood. Booth smirked; he had considered intervening with the question himself but figured it best to let Brennan.

“So how’d she die?” The man bluntly asked with a cough.

“I can’t tell without better equipment. Most likely it was the impact fracture on the skull, but there are multiple stab wounds and serious breaks.” Brennan squinted and lifted up the scapula. “These appear to be buckshot wounds.”

“What’s that mean?” The sheriff leant forward curiously, trying to see what she did. “She was shot or something?”

“Yes. Likely with some kind of shotgun.” Brennan confirmed. “It would be best if I could send these back to the lab, get a full analysis of environmental factors.”

“Bugs and dirt.” Booth interrupted and told the sheriff. Brennan looked at him oddly and then continued slowly.

“And they will be able to tell if any of these wounds have begun to calcify, identify the exact weapons and determine which blow was the cause of death.” Booth stayed quiet this time.

“I’ll arrange to get these sent back. Agent Booth I’ll need your name on some of the forms.” The sheriff held the lab door open and waited for Booth to go through. The two law enforcement officers left Brennan alone with her bones.

Brennan turned away from the bones on the table and went to open her laptop. She was going to let Hodgins and Wendell to expect the remains in the morning. There was a clattering of metal. She turned back and saw a series of rib bones and vertebrae shake violently and start glowing.

She backed away and reached for the camera sitting on the counter behind her. Before she could take a picture they stopped suddenly. She leant forward to get a better look, a gash like the left over marks from a knife wound burst across the bones with a splash of blood. It splattered across her face as she leant over.

Stunned she stopped and froze. Then something in her mind switched off and she managed to compartmentalize. Quickly she grabbed a test tube and a cotton swab. She ran it down her face and dropped it into the tube. She was trying to get samples of the blood of analysis.

Booth ran into the room, apparently the commotion had carried down the hallway. He saw Brennan staring intently at a clean cotton swab in a test tube.

“What happened?”

Brennan scrunched her face and tried to reason what she’d seen. “Umm... I.” Booth reached forward and took the test tube from her, placing it on the counter. It was unnerving to see Brennan like that; it was the rare sight which could shake her. “They moved and that indentation, it’s new.”

Booth looked the bones over. He couldn’t remember what they looked like before so it wasn’t much use to say whether they’d changed.

“You’re probably overworked. Why don’t you go back to the hotel and rest up?” Booth reached over and placed a hand on her shoulder.

“No, I’m fine. I know what I saw Booth. I need to stay, to work on this.” Brennan calmed herself down and moved away from Booth’s hand. Booth went to respond when he heard footsteps.

In the hallway three voices grew louder as they approached.

“I don’t know why they sent a second team down, the first one brought the specialist and they’re heading off now.” The sheriff’s voice drifted through the door.

“First team?” A rough male voice suddenly sounded a little nervous.

“Yeah, they’re in with the remains at the moment.” The sheriff pushed the door open, Brennan and Booth looked over at the two new faces.

The young men wore suits like Booth’s, but they didn’t carry themselves in the same way, setting off Booth’s sensors. Without missing a beat the two reached into their pockets and flipped open their FBI Ids.

“Agents Gramm and Greenwood. Sorry about intruding, we think there must have been some crossed wires, we were sent here to investigate the recent maulings in the national park.”

“The giant bear?” Booth smiled. The two exchanged looks.

“Yeah, how’d you know that?” The shorter raised a brow.

“It nearly drove us off the road on the way into town.” Again the two glanced at each other, some knowing look.

“Ah, well, it’s angry, rabid we think. Best stay away from the woods until we give the all clear.” Agent Gramm stated quickly.

They continued their discussion, trying to figure out who was looking into what and who was stepping on whose toes.

Brennan and Booth left the police building a while later, the remains ready to be packed up and sent away, but only after it was confirmed they weren’t involved with the other agent’s case.

“You don’t trust them.” Brennan glibly remarked.

“Not a bit - there’s something weird going on there.” Booth looked back, he saw the two other agents leave behind them and walk over to the old Chevy Impala in the parking lot.
Over at the Impala the two men stopped on either side to talk, they waited until Brennan and Booth had gotten into their car before starting.

“That was close, Dean.” The taller of the two men leaned against the car. “We need to finish this and quickly, that agent, he doesn’t trust us, and if he figures it out then we could be in real trouble.”

Dean shrugged. “We’ve gotten around the FBI before.” He pulled open the driver’s side door and slid in. “It’s not like we’ve got much else to do, salt and burn, simple.”

“Yeah, simple.” Sam scoffed. “The bones are under police surveillance and a team of actual FBI agents working a real job. Very simple.”

“We’ve gotten around FBI before,” Dean repeated. “We just make up some excuse to go in tomorrow, early, and burn them.”

Sam seemed less than impressed at the plan. He did up his belt as Dean tore off down the quiet town road.

“So what do we do about tonight? She’ll be back, and we can’t even risk hurting her like this afternoon.”

Dean thought for a moment.

“If someone is watching the monitors, or even in the room with the remains and they see them change, how do you explain that?”

“Okay, so we go back now and destroy the bones? If we don’t get to them soon she’ll heal and be back.”

“There may be another way to destroy her; I’ll call Bobby and do some research when we get back to the room.”

Dean groaned. Research meant Sam would be on edge, awake late and wouldn’t appreciate him watching any of the Hotel Erotica movies.

“We passed a bar in town, why don’t you go there instead of bitching all night?” Sam tried to stop the night getting any worse. He was already going to be working against the clock, trying to figure out how to kill the mysterious ghostly bear woman before she got to another innocent.

Dean grunted. He pulled into the motel and Sam got out, “I’ll go check that bar out, call me if you find anything out.”


Booth sat at the bar. A beer sat half drained before him. He reached out for the bowl of peanuts and grabbed a handful.

“Agent Booth.” Dean greeted as he took the bar stool next to Booth.

“Agent Gramm.” Booth replied politely. The two men sat in an awkward silence as Dean ordered a drink. “Yours and your partner’s names are from Foreigner. I knew I recognised them.”

Dean was already planning how he’d escape if he needed to. “Really? I never noticed, maybe that’s why we were paired together, a practical joke or something.” Dean laughed.
“Yeah, maybe.”

The two fell into another silence.

Dean’s phone chimed. He answered it and quickly leant away as a loud voice came out of the speaker. “Yeah, okay, Sammy. Yeah, okay, got it. No, not right now... yeah, I’m at work, Sam.” He laughed and rolled his eyes at Booth. “I’ll see you when I get home.” He hung up the phone. “Do you have a brother agent Booth?”

Booth smiled and took another drink. “I do. I’m guessing that was yours.”

“Yep.” Dean grinned.

“My brother, he wanted to take off on a motorbike and drive around India. Screw a real job, screw growing up and being responsible, he wants to go explore.” Booth shook his head and had another drink.

“It’s the little brother way, isn’t it? You protect them as you grow up, you make sure they turn out good and then they just forget about it- act like you were more trouble than you were worth.”

Booth nodded. He finished his drink and stood up from the bar.

“Look, I’m going to find out who you are. I’ve got your picture on its way to the bureau. And when I do, I’m going to do my job... and I will bring you in.” Booth clasped a hand on Dean’s shoulder as he walked by him and out.

Dean waited a few minutes, paid his bill with a faulty credit card and then headed back to Sam and the motel room.


“Navajo bear maiden.” Sam held up a large leather book, pointing to an ink drawing of a young woman and a bear. “We’ve got to split the connection from the bones and the human. It’s a real person, she’s possessed.”

“So, we exorcise the bitch and we’re done?” Dean took the book off of Sam to quickly read over the passage.

“Not quite, we need to exorcise the spirit from her and then salt and burn the bones.” Sam started packing a satchel with all they would need to finish the job. “If we don’t destroy the bones quickly enough then the spirit will find a new host, but if we don’t leave enough time the spirit will just be floating with nowhere else to go, and then we won’t be able to get rid of it without killing someone.”


Booth sat bolt upright in his cold hotel room. There was moaning from the room above through paper thin ceilings but that wasn’t it. There was a low growling, followed by a roar and a scream. He jumped out of the bed and grabbed his gun from the bedside table.
Quietly he pulled back the corner of the curtain, in the car park below the giant bear from before had a middle aged woman cornered. He checked the gun was loaded, opened his window and fired.

The bear turned and looked up at him; it would be able to get to him even in his room. His clip ran out and he grappled for another, not wanting to take his eyes off of the bear, who took all the shots in stride, small puffs of blood and fur and nothing else.

It seemed to grow even larger until its large dark eyes were level with Booth’s. With one swift motion, an entirely alien speed for such a large creature, Booth was sent flying back with the flick of a paw, which was near double the size of his head.

In the car park below Sam and Dean quickly got out of the Impala as it abruptly stopped across two parking spaces. Sam was holding a sports bottle of water and the leather bound journal. Dean had his gun, rock salt rounds ready, not wanting to hurt the host any more than necessary.

“Hurry up and shoot her, it worked before.” Sam quickly made his way around to the other side of the bear, not wanting to get to close, but needing to close off any escape routes the human side may take.

Dean took aim, the bear luckily still preoccupied with Booth inside. He’d smashed against the wall hanging mirror and flopped onto the cheap desk bellow. Shakily Booth stood up, the bear now frantically reaching inside, trying to get to him. His gun was by the window, it was useless.

He grabbed at a shard of mirror and took a deep breath. Booth went to run forward, to try and miss the jaws and paws and get to the head, maybe get to his gun if he could. Just as he went to drive the mirror in and the animal went to swipe at him again, a gun shot rang out. It cried and backed out of the window. Booth only just caught himself in time.
He saw Dean reloading his shotgun and preparing to fire again. The bear shrunk as it stormed forward, looming over the younger man. By the time it got close enough to attack it had turned into the woman. Booth just stared, unsure what to make of it.

The woman turned to run, but Sam was there, he quickly squeezed the water bottle, the woman hissed sharply. Dean pulled a salt tub from pocket and quickly drew a circle around her.

As Sam began to chant something in a mix of Latin and an old Athabascan tongue, Booth suddenly found himself able to speak again. He called out. Sam and Dean turned and looked up.

“Just our luck,” Dean growled under breath. “Let’s finish this and get out of this god damn town, quickly.” He emphasised the quickly as he glared up at the window.
Booth had ducked down and grabbed his gun. He didn’t know what he was going to do with it, whether he was going to be trying to shoot the ‘agents’ or if he was going to help them. He didn’t really know what was going on.

“Booth!” There was a pounding on the hotel room door. With a kick Brennan managed to break the flimsy thing open. She saw the broken mirror, the shattered window and Booth with his gun. His back was bloody and already welts and bruises were beginning to form. “What happened?”

Booth jerked his head towards the window, Brennan ran over and froze.

The woman in the salt circle was writhing in agony. Had the bones in the police station been watched they would have been shaking and rattling.

Sam’s chant built into a crescendo of strange strings of syllables, it finished with one final barked order. The woman screamed and then collapsed. Dean quickly scuffed the salt circle with one shoe and the two brothers ran back to the car. They needed to get to the bones quickly.

Booth grabbed a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt from the unpacked bag by his bed and ran out the broken door. Brennan followed after him.

The two ran to their car and took off towards the police station, his infamous gut told Booth that they were heading there.

Sure enough the Impala was left by the side of the station.

“Stay out here.” Booth warned, knowing full well Brennan would argue or disobey, thinking she knew better.

“You can’t go in there alone. You don’t know what’s wrong with them - they look crazy, Booth. And you’re hurt. I’m coming in too.” She stubbornly fell into step behind Booth as he walked up to the doors.

Inside a lone middle aged man sat at the front desk, manning the phones and sending out the few cops on duty if they were needed. He barely looked up before nodding them through.

They ran down the corridors to the small lab room, they could hear metal clattering and swearing.

Smoke billowed through the open doorway ahead and the fire alarm screamed into action. Sam and Dean ran out of the room like bats from hell. They skidded to a halt when they saw Booth and Brennan running towards them. The brothers changed direction and ran off, hoping there was a fire exit or window that way.

Brennan stopped to try and put out the fire, save the remains she wasn’t done with yet. Booth just kept after Dean and Sam.

He followed them into a back office, Sam broke open the window and leapt out, keeping track back to the Impala. Dean went to jump but Booth tackled him. They crunched into broken glass, cutting Dean’s chest and face as he was skidded across it.

Booth pushed the barrel of his gun into the base of Dean’s neck.

“Who the hell are you?”

“We just save your ass and this is how you thank us?” Dean struggled underneath Booth’s weight.

“I didn’t see you save me, you just, you did something to that woman.” Booth pushed harder on the barrel, trying to hurt Dean out of frustration.

“Yeah, we stood around her and read at her, so painful!”

Booth pulled out his handcuffs from his back pocket and hooked them over Dean’s wrists. He let some of his grip loose and stood up, pulling Dean up with him.

“You have the right to remain silent,” Booth started to recite; Dean already knew it by heart. After all, for him, it was just another arrest; it wasn’t like it was the first time. It probably wasn’t even going to the hardest to get out of. With Sam still free things would be much easier, he’d probably be out before they even processed him. If they even got time to, the fire alarm was still blaring along in the background. The accelerant assisted flames were engulfing the police building, the bones were burnt and the old, unsafe building was on its way down too. Dean guessed maybe an hour or two before he was back behind the wheel of the Impala and he and Sam were off to the next town, to the next misunderstanding or ungrateful government worker and the next arrest and narrow escape.


This town isn’t big enough...

exchange: fall10, rating: g/pg/pg13, fandom: bones, fandom: supernatural

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