Title: Balance of Terror (and Zombies)
jaune-chat and
brighteyed-jillFandoms: Star Trek/Supernatural
Characters Dean, Sam, Castiel; McCoy, Spock, Kirk
Pairings: Gen (hints of Kirk/Spock)
Rating: R (for violence)
Wordcount: 6,204
Spoilers: General spoilers for SPN through all aired episodes. Star Trek movie spoilers
Warnings: Violence and gore.
Disclaimer: Star
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I'm glad you liked the prompt. I had fun writing 'em and thinking them up. I get all kinds ideas that never get written or passed a few sentences and i refuse to call them plot-bunnies. I bet it was fun working GhostSickness!Kirk, he's such a 'fearless' character it's always fun to see them yellow.
Let me know what you think when you get to SotE. It's got demons and angels and gore and ice. it's a little more mopey than I normally write and, oddly, has nary a single horse in it. (I'm an equestrian and ALL my fic have horses in 'em).
That's why I like SPN, it's down to earth and realistic and their world is literally our world. They reference up to date politics and popular culture and everything. It's adaptable and the nature of the characters and their purpose can blend easily... of course that leads to some pretty sloppily made crossovers, present company excluded, there have been some excellent crosses in this exchange... including MINE! It's mine!
I'm so glad we're all Lore Junkies 'round here. We should start a club.
Anywho, I think the reason Supernatural crosses so easily is that it's fairly self-contained. Even when Sam and Dean are trying to avert the Apocalypse, it's all done behind the scenes and under the radar, whereas other fandoms are mucking about in high-level politics (Heroes) or the whole premise of the whole is in an entirely different place (Lost). But you can easily have Sam and Dean cross paths with another fandom because you don't have to bend Supernatural canon to have some guest characters be the Freak of the Week. Supernatural is very accomodating that way!
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